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PART 1U.K.Flight Crew Licences

CHAPTER 1U.K.General conditions

Recent experience conditionU.K.

1.—(1) In this Part, a reference to the “recent experience condition” in the privileges for aeroplane, helicopter and gyroplane licences is to the condition set out in this paragraph.

(2) The condition is that the holder of a licence must not operate an aircraft carrying passengers—

(a)as pilot in command or co-pilot unless the holder has carried out, in the preceding 90 days, at least three take-offs, approaches and landings as the sole manipulator of the controls of an aircraft of the same type or class or a full flight simulator representing that type or class; and

(b)as pilot in command at night unless the holder—

(i)has carried out in the preceding 90 days at least one take-off, approach and landing at night as the sole manipulator of the controls of an aircraft of the same type or class or a full flight simulator representing that type or class; or

(ii)holds an instrument rating.

Exception to the recent experience conditionU.K.

2.—(1) In this Part, a reference to the “recent experience exception” in the privileges for aeroplane and helicopter private pilot's licences is to the condition set out in this paragraph.

(2) The condition is that—

(a)the intended flight will carry a single passenger who is also qualified to act as pilot in command on that flight; and

(b)the holder of the licence has informed the intended passenger that the holder does not meet the recent experience condition.

Excepted flights conditionU.K.

3.—(1) In this Part, a reference to the “excepted flights condition” in the privileges for aeroplane, helicopter, gyroplane and balloon and airship private pilot's licences is to the condition set out in this paragraph.

(2) The condition is that the holder of a private pilot's licence may only fly on a public transport or commercial operations flight if it is a flight of the type mentioned in article 6(4a) of the F1... Air Operations Regulation.

Remuneration conditionU.K.

4.—(1) In this Part, a reference to the “remuneration condition” in the privileges for aeroplane, helicopter, gyroplane and balloon and airship private pilot's licences is to the condition set out in this paragraph.

(2) The condition is that—

(a)in the case of—

(i)instruction, the holder's licence includes an appropriate instructor certificate;

(ii)flying examinations, the holder is authorised to conduct such examinations by the CAA; and

(b)remuneration or other valuable consideration is received for—

(i)the provision of flight instruction for the same type of licence;

(ii)the conduct of skill tests and proficiency checks for such a licence;

(iii)the training, testing and checking for the ratings or certificates attached to such a licence.

CHAPTER 2U.K.United Kingdom Licences

SECTION 1U.K.Aeroplane pilots

Private Pilot's Licence (Aeroplanes)

Minimum age:

17 years


(1) The holder of a Private Pilot's Licence (Aeroplanes) is entitled—

(a)in accordance with the remainder of this paragraph, to fly for the purposes of non-commercial operations as pilot in command or co-pilot of an aeroplane of any of the types or classes specified in an aircraft rating included in the licence, unless prohibited by paragraph (2);

(b)to fly such an aeroplane for the purpose of commercial operation—

(i)which consists of instruction or flying examinations, provided that—

(aa)in the case of instruction, the licence includes an appropriate instructor certificate; and

(bb)in the case of flying examinations, the holder is authorised to conduct such examinations by the CAA; or

(ii)where the excepted flights condition is met;

(c)to fly as pilot in command of such an aeroplane carrying passengers if—

(i)the recent experience condition is met; or

(ii)the recent experience exception is met;

(d)to fly as pilot in command of such an aeroplane under Instrument Flight Rules where the licence includes an instrument rating (aeroplane) or an instrument meteorological conditions rating (aeroplanes);

(e)to fly as pilot in command of such an aeroplane at night where the licence includes a night rating (aeroplanes);

(f)to receive remuneration or other valuable consideration for services as a pilot on a flight if the remuneration condition is met.

(2) The holder of a Private Pilot's Licence (Aeroplanes) may not fly an aeroplane mentioned in paragraph (1)(a)—

(a)for the purpose of public transport or commercial operation (other than commercial operation permitted by sub-paragraph (1)(b));

(b)for remuneration or other valuable consideration (other than remuneration or other valuable consideration permitted by sub-paragraph (1)(f)); or

(c)other than as authorised by paragraph (1),

unless authorised to do so by the CAA.

Commercial Pilot's Licence (Aeroplanes)

Minimum age:

18 years


(1) The holder of a Commercial Pilot's Licence (Aeroplanes) is entitled—

(a)to exercise the privileges of a United Kingdom Private Pilot's Licence (Aeroplanes) which includes an instrument meteorological conditions rating (aeroplanes) and a night rating (aeroplanes) or night qualification (aeroplane);

(b)in accordance with the remainder of this paragraph, to fly as pilot in command or co-pilot of an aeroplane of any of the types or classes specified in an aircraft rating included in the licence when the aircraft is flying for the purposes of—

(i)commercial operation; or

(ii)public transport operation,

unless prohibited by paragraph (2);

(c)to fly as pilot in command of such an aeroplane on a flight for the purpose of public transport until the age of 60 years only where it is certificated for single pilot operation;

(d)to fly such an aeroplane on any flight for the purpose of public transport after attaining the age of 60 years where the aeroplane is fitted with dual controls and carries a second pilot who holds an appropriate licence under this Order entitling the second pilot to act as pilot in command or co-pilot of that aeroplane;

(e)to fly as pilot in command or co-pilot of such an aeroplane flying in Class A airspace where the licence includes an instrument rating (aeroplane);

(f)to fly as pilot in command or co-pilot of an aeroplane carrying passengers for the purpose of public transport where the recent experience condition is met.

(2) The holder of a Commercial Pilot's Licence (Aeroplanes) may not fly an aeroplane mentioned in paragraph (1)(b)—

(a)at any time after attaining the age of 65 years as pilot in command or co-pilot for the purpose of public transport; or

(b)other than as authorised by paragraph (1),

unless authorised to do so by the CAA.

Airline Transport Pilot's Licence (Aeroplanes)

Minimum age:

21 years


The holder of an Airline Transport Pilot's Licence (Aeroplanes) is entitled to exercise the privileges of a United Kingdom Commercial Pilot's Licence (Aeroplanes) except that, in paragraph (1)(c) of the privileges of that licence, the words “where it is certificated for single pilot operation” do not apply.

SECTION 2U.K.Helicopter and gyroplane pilots

Private Pilot's Licence (Helicopters)

Minimum age:

17 years


(1) The holder of a Private Pilot's Licence (Helicopters) is entitled—

(a)in accordance with the remainder of this paragraph, to fly as pilot in command or co-pilot of any helicopter of a type specified in an aircraft rating included in the licence, unless prohibited by paragraph (2);

(b)to fly such a helicopter for the purpose of commercial operation—

(i)which consists of instruction or flying examinations, provided that—

(aa)in the case of instruction, the licence includes an appropriate instructor certificate; and

(bb)in the case of flying examinations, the holder is authorised to conduct such examinations by the CAA; or

(ii)where the excepted flights condition is met;

(c)to fly as pilot in command of such a helicopter carrying passengers if—

(i)the recent experience condition is met; or

(ii)the recent experience exception is met;

(d)to fly as pilot in command or co-pilot of such a helicopter under Instrument Flight Rules where the licence includes an instrument rating (helicopter);

(e)to fly as pilot in command of such a helicopter at night if the licence includes a night rating (helicopters);

(f)to receive remuneration or other valuable consideration for services as a pilot on a flight if the remuneration condition is met.

(2) The holder of a Private Pilot's Licence (Helicopters) may not fly a helicopter mentioned in paragraph (1)(a)—

(a)for the purpose of public transport or commercial operation (other than commercial operation permitted by sub-paragraph (1)(b));

(b)for remuneration or other valuable consideration (other than remuneration or other valuable consideration permitted by sub-paragraph (1)(f)); or

(c)other than as authorised by paragraph (1),

unless authorised to do so by the CAA.

Commercial Pilot's Licence (Helicopters)

Minimum age:

18 years


(1) The holder of a Commercial Pilot's Licence (Helicopters) is entitled—

(a)to exercise the privileges of a United Kingdom Private Pilot's Licence (Helicopters) which includes a night rating (helicopters);

(b)in accordance with the remainder of this paragraph, to fly as pilot in command or co-pilot of a helicopter of any of the types or classes specified in an aircraft rating included in the licence when the aircraft is flying for the purposes of—

(i)commercial operation; or

(ii)public transport operation,

unless prohibited by paragraph (2);

(c)to fly as pilot in command of such a helicopter on a flight for the purpose of public transport until the age of 60 years only where it is certificated for single pilot operation;

(d)to fly such a helicopter for the purpose of public transport after attaining the age of 60 years where the helicopter is fitted with dual controls and carries a second pilot who holds an appropriate licence under this Order entitling the second pilot to act as pilot in command or co-pilot of that helicopter;

(e)to fly as pilot in command or co-pilot of such a helicopter under Instrument Flight Rules where the licence includes an instrument rating (helicopter);

(f)to fly as pilot in command or co-pilot of a helicopter carrying passengers for the purpose of public transport where the recent experience condition is met.

(2) The holder of a Commercial Pilot's Licence (Helicopters) may not fly a helicopter mentioned in paragraph (1)(b)—

(a)at any time after attaining the age of 65 years as pilot in command or co-pilot for the purpose of public transport; or

(b)other than as authorised by paragraph (1),

unless authorised to do so by the CAA.

Airline Transport Pilot's Licence (Helicopters)

Minimum age:

21 years


The holder of an Airline Transport Pilot's Licence (Helicopters) is entitled to exercise the privileges of a Commercial Pilot's Licence (Helicopters) except that, in paragraph (1)(c) of the privileges of that licence, the words “only where it is certificated for single pilot operation” do not apply.

Private Pilot's Licence (Gyroplanes)

Minimum age:

17 years


(1) The holder of a Private Pilot's Licence (Gyroplanes) is entitled—

(a)in accordance with the remainder of this paragraph, to fly as pilot in command or co-pilot of any gyroplane of a type or a class specified in the aircraft rating included in the licence, unless prohibited by paragraph (2);

(b)to fly such a gyroplane for the purpose of commercial operation—

(i)which consists of instruction or flying examinations, provided that—

(aa)in the case of instruction, the licence includes an appropriate instructor certificate; and

(bb)in the case of flying examinations, the holder is authorised to conduct such examinations by the CAA; or

(ii)where the excepted flights condition is met;

(c)to fly as pilot in command of such a gyroplane carrying passengers if the recent experience condition is met;

(d)to fly as pilot in command of such a gyroplane at night if the licence includes a night rating (gyroplanes);

(e)to receive remuneration or other valuable consideration for services as a pilot on a flight if the remuneration condition is met.

(2) The holder of a Private Pilot's Licence (Gyroplanes) may not fly a gyroplane mentioned in paragraph (1)(a)—

(a)for the purpose of public transport or commercial operation (other than commercial operation permitted by sub-paragraph (1)(b));

(b)for remuneration or other valuable consideration (other than remuneration or other valuable consideration permitted by sub-paragraph (1)(e));

(c)under Instrument Flight Rules; or

(d)other than as authorised by paragraph (1),

unless authorised to do so by the CAA.

Commercial Pilot's Licence (Gyroplanes)

Minimum age:

18 years


(1) The holder of a Commercial Pilot's Licence (Gyroplanes) is entitled—

(a)to exercise the privileges of a United Kingdom Private Pilot's Licence (Gyroplanes) which includes a night rating (gyroplanes);

(b)in accordance with the remainder of this paragraph, to fly as pilot in command or co-pilot of a gyroplane of any of the types or classes specified in an aircraft rating included in the licence when the aircraft is flying for the purposes of—

(i)commercial operation; or

(ii)public transport operation,

unless prohibited by paragraph (2);

(c)to fly as pilot in command of such a gyroplane on a flight for the purpose of public transport until the age of 60 years only where it is certificated for single pilot operation;

(d)to fly such a gyroplane on any flight for the purpose of public transport after attaining the age of 60 years where the gyroplane is fitted with dual controls and carries a second pilot who holds an appropriate licence under this Order entitling the second pilot to act as pilot in command or co-pilot of that gyroplane;

(e)to fly as pilot in command of such a gyroplane carrying passengers if the recent experience condition is met.

(2) The holder of a Commercial Pilot's Licence (Gyroplanes) may not fly a gyroplane mentioned in paragraph (1)(b)—

(a)at any time after attaining the age of 65 years as pilot in command or co-pilot for the purpose of public transport;

(b)under Instrument Flight Rules; or

(c)other than as authorised by paragraph (1),

unless authorised to do so by the CAA.

Commercial Pilot's Licence (Helicopters and Gyroplanes)

Minimum age:

18 years


(1) The holder of a Commercial Pilot's Licence (Helicopters and Gyroplanes) is entitled—

(a)to exercise the privileges of a United Kingdom Private Pilot's Licence (Helicopters) which includes a night rating (helicopters) or a United Kingdom Private Pilot's Licence (Gyroplanes) which includes a night rating (gyroplanes);

(b)in accordance with the remainder of this paragraph, to exercise the privileges of a United Kingdom Commercial Pilot's Licence (Helicopters) and a United Kingdom Commercial Pilot's Licence (Gyroplanes), unless prohibited by paragraph (2);

(c)only where the holder has undertaken such training and passed such flight examinations as the CAA may require, to fly a gyroplane for the purposes of commercial operations or public transport.

(2) The holder of a Commercial Pilot's Licence (Helicopters and Gyroplanes) may not fly a helicopter or gyroplane mentioned in the licences referred to in paragraph (1)(b)—

(a)at any time after attaining the age of 65 years as pilot in command or co-pilot for the purpose of public transport; or

(b)other than as authorised by paragraph (1),

unless authorised to do so by the CAA.

Airline Transport Pilot's Licence (Helicopters and Gyroplanes)

Minimum age:

21 years


The holder of an Airline Transport Pilot's Licence (Helicopters and Gyroplanes) is entitled to exercise the privileges of a United Kingdom Commercial Pilot's Licence (Helicopters and Gyroplanes) except that in paragraph (1)(c) of the privileges of the United Kingdom Commercial Pilot's Licence (Helicopters) referred to in paragraph (1)(b) of that licence, the words “where it is certificated for single pilot operation” do not apply.

SECTION 3U.K.Balloon and airship pilots

Private Pilot's Licence (Balloons and Airships)

Minimum age:

17 years


(1) The holder of a Private Pilot's Licence (Balloons and Airships) is entitled—

(a)in accordance with the remainder of this paragraph, to fly as pilot in command or co-pilot of any type of balloon or airship on which the holder is so qualified and which is specified in an aircraft rating in the licence, unless prohibited by paragraph (2);

(b)to fly such a balloon or airship for the purpose of commercial operation—

(i)which consists of instruction or flying examinations, provided that—

(aa)in the case of instruction, the licence includes an appropriate instructor certificate; and

(bb)in the case of flying examinations, the holder is authorised to conduct such examinations by the CAA; or

(ii)where the excepted flights condition is met;

(c)to fly as pilot in command of such a balloon or airship at night if the licence includes a night rating (balloons and airships);

(d)to receive remuneration or other valuable consideration for services as a pilot on a flight if the remuneration condition is met.

(2) The holder of a Private Pilot's Licence (Balloons and Airships) may not fly a balloon or airship mentioned in paragraph (1)(a)—

(a)for the purpose of public transport or commercial operation (other than commercial operation permitted by sub-paragraph (1)(c));

(b)for remuneration or other valuable consideration (other than remuneration or other valuable consideration permitted by sub-paragraph (1)(e)); or

(c)other than as authorised by paragraph (1),

unless authorised to do so by the CAA.

Commercial Pilot's Licence (Balloons)

Minimum age:

18 years


(1) The holder of a Commercial Pilot's Licence (Balloons) is entitled—

(a)to exercise the privileges of a United Kingdom Private Pilot's Licence (Balloons and Airships);

(b)in accordance with the remainder of this paragraph, to fly as pilot in command or co-pilot of any type of balloon specified in the aircraft rating included in the licence when the balloon is flying for the purpose of commercial operations, unless prohibited by paragraph (2);

(c)to fly as pilot in command of any type of balloon specified in the aircraft rating included in the licence for the purpose of the public transport of passengers where the holder has within the immediately preceding 90 days carried out as pilot in command in a free balloon at least three flights each of not less than five minutes duration.

(2) The holder of a Commercial Pilot's Licence (Balloons) may not fly a balloon mentioned in paragraph (1)(b) or (c) other than as authorised by paragraph (1) unless permitted to do so by the CAA.

Commercial Pilot's Licence (Airships)

Minimum age:

18 years


The holder of a Commercial Pilot's Licence (Airships) is entitled to fly as pilot in command or co-pilot of any type of airship on which the holder is so qualified and which is specified in an aircraft rating included in the licence when the airship is flying for any purpose whatsoever.

SECTION 4U.K.Other flight crew

Flight Navigator's Licence

Minimum age:

21 years


The holder of a Flight Navigator's Licence is entitled to act as flight navigator in any [F2non-Part-21] aircraft.

Flight Engineer's Licence

Minimum age:

21 years


The holder of a Flight Engineer's Licence is entitled to act as flight engineer in any type of [F2non-Part-21] aircraft specified in an aircraft rating included in the licence.

Flight Radiotelephony Operator's Licence

Minimum age:

14 years


The holder of a Flight Radiotelephony Operator's Licence is entitled to operate radiotelephony apparatus in any aircraft if the stability of the frequency radiated by the transmitter is maintained automatically but is not entitled to operate the transmitter, or to adjust its frequency, except by the use of external switching devices.

CHAPTER 3U.K.National Private Pilot's Licence

National Private Pilot's Licence (Aeroplanes)

Minimum age:

17 years

Privileges and conditions:

(1) The holder of a National Private Pilot's Licence (Aeroplanes) is entitled—

(a)in accordance with the remainder of this paragraph, to fly for the purposes of non-commercial operations as pilot in command of any SSEA, microlight aeroplane or SLMG for which a class rating is included in the licence provided that the total number of persons carried (including the pilot) does not exceed four, unless prohibited by paragraph (2);

(b)with the permission of the competent authority for the airspace in which the aircraft is being flown, to fly such a SSEA, microlight aeroplane or SLMG outside the United Kingdom;

(c)to fly such a microlight aeroplane or SLMG for the purpose of commercial operation—

(i)which consists of instruction or flying examinations, provided that—

(aa)in the case of instruction, the licence includes an appropriate instructor certificate; and

(bb)in the case of flying examinations, the holder is authorised to conduct such examinations by the CAA; or

(ii)where the excepted flights condition is met;

(d)to fly such a SSEA for the purpose of commercial operation where the excepted flights condition is met;

(e)to fly as pilot in command of such an SSEA, microlight aeroplane or SLMG carrying passengers if—

(i)the recent experience condition is met; or

(ii)the recent experience exception is met;

(f)to fly as pilot in command of any such SSEA or SLMG at night where the licence includes a night rating (aeroplanes);

(g)to receive remuneration or other valuable consideration for services as a pilot on a flight if the remuneration condition is met.

(2) The holder of a National Private Pilot's Licence (Aeroplanes) may not fly an SSEA, microlight aeroplane or SLMG mentioned in paragraph (1)(a)—

(a)for the purpose of public transport or commercial operation (other than commercial operation permitted by sub-paragraph (1)(c) or (d));

(b)for remuneration or other valuable consideration (other than remuneration or other valuable consideration permitted by sub-paragraph (1)(g));

(c)under Instrument Flight Rules; or

(d)other than as authorised by paragraph (1),

unless authorised to do so by the CAA.

National Private Pilot's Licence (Helicopters)

Minimum age:

17 years

Privileges and conditions:

(1) The holder of a National Private Pilot's Licence (Helicopters) is entitled—

(a)in accordance with the remainder of this paragraph, to fly for the purposes of non-commercial operations as pilot in command of a single-engine helicopter with a maximum take-off mass of 2,000 kg or less for which a class rating is included in the licence provided that the total number of persons carried (including the pilot) does not exceed four, unless prohibited by paragraph (2);

(b)with the permission of the competent authority for the airspace in which the aircraft is being flown, to fly such a helicopter outside the United Kingdom;

(c)to fly such a helicopter for the purpose of commercial operation where the excepted flights condition is met;

(d)to fly as pilot in command of such a helicopter carrying passengers if—

(i)the recent experience condition is met; or

(ii)the recent experience exception is met.

(2) The holder of a National Private Pilot's Licence (Helicopters) may not fly a helicopter mentioned in paragraph (1)(a)—

(a)for the purpose of public transport or commercial operation (other than commercial operation permitted by sub-paragraph (1)(c));

(b)for remuneration or other valuable consideration;

(c)under Instrument Flight Rules;

(d)at night; or

(e)other than as authorised by paragraph (1),

unless authorised to do so by the CAA.