The North London Heat and Power Generating Station Order 2017

Article 3


1.  The construction and operation of a nationally significant infrastructure project as defined in sections 14 and 15 of the 2008 Act in the London Borough of Enfield comprising—

(1) Works No. 1a —an electricity and heat generating station located at the Edmonton EcoPark, fuelled by up to 700,000 tonnes of waste per annum and with an electrical output of up to 70 megawatts of electricity (MWe) (gross), comprising the following buildings, structures and plant, located within the limits of deviation identified on drawing C_0002 Rev 01 of the works plans—

(a)a main building housing—

(i)a tipping hall;

(ii)waste bunker and waste handling equipment;

(iii)two process lines (with each line having a capacity of up to 350,000 tonnes of waste per annum), consisting of a moving grate, furnace, boiler and a flue gas treatment plant;

(iv)facilities for the recovery of incinerator bottom ash and air pollution control residue;

(v)steam turbines for electricity generation including equipment for heat off-take; and

(vi)a control room containing the operational and environmental control and monitoring systems and offices;

(b)entry and exit ramps to the electricity and heat generating station;

(c)a stack containing flues for flue gas exhaust;

(d)cooling equipment; and

(e)an observation platform enclosure.

2.  Associated development within the meaning of section 115(2) of the 2008 Act in connection with the nationally significant infrastructure project Works No.1a as follows—

(1) Works No. 1b — works required to provide buildings, structures, plant and equipment needed for the operation of the electricity and heat generating station located within the limits of deviation identified on drawing C_0002 Rev 01 of the works plans and as follows—

(a)a wastewater treatment facility;

(b)a water pre-treatment plant;

(c)external stores and workshops;

(d)a fuelling area and fuel storage, vehicle wash, transport offices and staff facilities, toilets, natural gas intake and management compound, and fire control water tanks; and

(e)electrical substations.

(2) Works No. 2 — the construction of a resource recovery facility comprising the following buildings, structures and plant located within the limits of deviation identified on drawing C_0004 Rev 01 of the works plans and as follows—

(a)a recycling and fuel preparation facility;

(b)a reuse and recycling centre;

(c)offices, and staff and visitor welfare facilities;

(d)odour abatement and dust suppression plant and equipment; and

(e)fire control water tanks and pump house and equipment.

(3) Works No. 3 — the construction of a building to provide visitor, community and education facilities, office accommodation and a boat canopy located within the limits of deviation identified on drawing C_0006 Rev 01 of the works plans.

(4) Works No. 4 — utilities and infrastructure works, landscaping, access, security and lighting, and weighbridges located within the limits of deviation identified on drawing C_0008 Rev 01 of the works plans and as follows—

(a)with regard to potable water, waste water, surface water, foul water, raw water, electricity, gas, cctv, telecoms and data—

(i)the diversion, repositioning, decommissioning, removal, replacement, modification or upgrading of existing pipes, cables, systems and associated apparatus;

(ii)the laying or installation of new pipes, cables, systems and associated apparatus; and

(iii)the creation of connections to existing or new pipes, cables, systems and associated apparatus;

(b)the erection of a raw water pumping station;

(c)stabilisation works to the eastern bank of Salmon’s Brook;

(d)the construction of surface water pumps, pipework and attenuation tanks;

(e)landscaping works;

(f)the installation of areas of green roof and brown roof;

(g)the widening of the existing entrance into the Edmonton EcoPark from Advent Way, including modification or replacement of the bridge over Enfield Ditch;

(h)the construction within the Edmonton EcoPark of vehicle and cycle parking, vehicle, cycle and pedestrian routes and weighbridges;

(i)the construction of an access into the Edmonton EcoPark from Lee Park Way, including bridging over Enfield Ditch;

(j)improvements to Lee Park Way including vehicle barriers and the creation of segregated pedestrian and cycle paths or the repositioning of existing pedestrian and cycle paths;

(k)improvements to Deephams Farm Road (including improvements to the existing access into Deephams Farm Road from Ardra Road) and the use of Deephams Farm Road as an access to and from the Edmonton EcoPark;

(l)the resurfacing of Ardra Road (if required);

(m)security, fencing and lighting works and equipment;

(n)the erection of security facilities and equipment and gatehouses within the operational site at access points from Advent Way, Ardra Road and Lee Park Way;

(o)the upgrade and maintenance of the existing bridge over the River Lee Navigation;

(p)the installation of photovoltaic panels at roof level of the electricity and heat generating station and the resource recovery facility;

(q)the modification of kerb lines and pavements within plots 28 and 29;

(r)the creation of a new footpath within plot 21;

(s)the improvement of the existing junction between Meridian Way and Ardra Road; and

(t)the improvement of the existing junction between Advent Way and Lee Park Way.

(5) Works No. 5 — the creation of a temporary laydown area and its temporary use located within the limits of deviation identified on drawing C_0009 Rev 01 of the works plans and as follows—

(a)areas of hardstanding;

(b)the erection of fencing, hoarding or any other means of enclosure;

(c)the erection of security facilities and equipment and gatehouses;

(d)vehicle parking;

(e)office and staff welfare accommodation;

(f)storage, fabrication, laydown area;

(g)foul water storage and pumps and surface water attenuation storage and pumps;

(h)utility works including electricity, water, cctv, telecoms and data;

(i)the creation of vehicular, cycle and pedestrian access from Lee Park Way to the temporary laydown area;

(j)the improvement of the existing junction between Walthamstow Avenue and Lower Hall Lane; and

(k)restoration of the temporary laydown area.

(6) Works No. 6 — site preparation and demolition works within the area located within the limits of deviation identified on drawing C_0010 Rev 01 of the works plans comprising—

(a)the demolition of existing buildings, structures and plant excluding demolition of the energy from waste facility;

(b)the construction of a temporary ash storage building;

(c)the realignment of the exit ramp from the energy from waste facility; and

(d)works to prepare the land shown on drawing C_0010 Rev 01 of the works plans for the construction of Works No. 1a, 1b, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

(7) Works No. 7 — decommissioning, demolition and removal of the energy from waste facility located within the limits of deviation identified on drawing C_0011 Rev 01 of the works plans and demolition and removal of the existing stack, demolition of the existing water pumping station on Ardra Road; and making good.

3.  In connection with Works No. 1 to 7, to the extent that they do not otherwise form part of any such work, being associated development within the meaning of section 115(2) of the 2008 Act—

(a)the enabling works; and

(b)such other works as may be necessary or expedient for the purposes of or in connection with the construction, operation and maintenance of the authorised development which do not give rise to any new significant adverse environmental effects that were not assessed in the environmental statement.