
SCHEDULEThe Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Practitioners (Registration) (Amendment) Regulations 2016

PART 4Fees payable

Table 1

Registration fees payable under regulation 9

Type of registrantFee payable (£)
New graduates registered by 31 December following graduation157
Other persons registered between 1 April and 30 September314
Other persons registered between 1 October and 31 March157

Table 2

Fees for temporary registrants payable under regulations 10, 11 and 14

Type of feeFee payable (£)
Normal registration fee314
Registration fee for practice restricted to period of six months or less157
Retention fee314

Table 3

Retention fees payable under regulation 15

CircumstancesColumn A – Fee payable if payment received by 30 April (£)Column B – Fee payable if payment received after 30 April (£)
Standard registrant314349
Overseas practising registrant157192
Non-practising registrant5186

Table 4

Additional fees payable under regulations 16 and 17

Fee paid (£)New circumstance

Extra sum payable if change takes place before 1 October


Extra sum payable if change takes place on or after 1 October


51 or 86Practising but not in the British Islands10653
51 or 86Practising in the British Islands263131
157 or 192Practising in the British Islands15778

Table 5

Credits payable under regulation 18

Fee paid (£)New circumstanceSum to be credited (£)
314 or 349Non-practising registrant131
314 or 349Overseas practising registrant78
157 or 192Non-practising registrant53

Table 6

Restoration fees payable under regulation 19

Type of restorationFee payable (£)
Restoration under section 11(3) of the Act following removal for non-receipt of retention fee314
Restoration in other circumstances78