



Benthic ecology monitoring and mitigation

4.—(1) The licence holder must submit a benthic ecology monitoring and mitigation plan, for approval by the MMO, prior to the commencement of the first licensed activity.

(2) The monitoring and mitigation plan submitted for approval must include—

(a)the detailed methodology and extent of pre-construction benthic ecology surveys to be carried out;

(b)the detailed methodology and extent of benthic ecology surveys to be carried out prior to the removal of any temporary structures constructed as part of Work No. 20A;

(c)the detailed methodology and extent of post-construction benthic ecology surveys to be carried out; and

(d)details of how any necessary mitigation will be identified following the carrying out of the surveys and implemented.

(3) The licence holder must not commence the first licensed activity until the MMO has approved in writing the submitted monitoring and mitigation plan.

(4) The licence holder must—

(a)not commence the first licensed activity until it has carried out the pre-construction surveys and implemented any pre-construction mitigation measures required by the monitoring and mitigation plan approved under sub-paragraph (3);

(b)not remove any temporary structures constructed as part of Work No. 20A until it has carried out the surveys and implemented any mitigation measures required by the monitoring and mitigation plan approved under sub-paragraph (3) in relation to the removal of those structures; and

(c)following completion of construction of the authorised development (including the removal of any temporary structures constructed as part of Work No. 20A), carry out the post-construction surveys and implement any post-construction mitigation measures required by the monitoring and mitigation plan approved under sub-paragraph (3), unless otherwise agreed in writing by the MMO.

Construction method statement

5.—(1) The licence holder must submit a method statement, for approval by the MMO following consultation with the Environment Agency, at least 6 weeks prior to the commencement of any licensed activity.

(2) The method statement must include the following details—

(a)the detailed construction methodology to be employed by the licence holder in carrying out the licensed activity; and

(b)a programme of works including timings and durations, method of delivery of material to site and plant to be used during the works.

(3) The licence holder must not commence the licensed activity until the MMO has approved in writing the submitted method statement.

(4) The licensed activity must be carried out in accordance with the approved method statement, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the MMO.

Marine pollution contingency plan

6.—(1) The licence holder must submit a marine pollution contingency plan, for approval by the MMO, at least 6 weeks prior to the commencement of any licensed activity.

(2) The marine pollution contingency plan must set out the licence holder’s assessment of the likely risks which could arise as a result of a spill or collision during construction and operation of the authorised development and the methods and procedures the licence holder intends to put in place to address them.

(3) The MMO must consult the Environment Agency and the PLA on the marine pollution contingency plan before approving it.

(4) The licence holder must not commence the licensed activity until the MMO has approved in writing the submitted marine pollution contingency plan.

(5) The licensed activity must be carried out in accordance with the approved marine pollution contingency plan, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the MMO.

Concrete and cement

7.  The licence holder must not discharge waste concrete slurry or wash water from concrete or cement into the River. The licence holder must site concrete and cement mixing and washing areas at least 10 metres from the River or surface water drain to minimise the risk of run off entering the River.

Coatings and treatments

8.  The licence holder must ensure that any coatings and any treatments are suitable for use in the River and are used in accordance with either guidelines approved by the Health and Safety Executive or the Environment Agency.

Spills, etc.

9.  The licence holder must—

(a)store, handle, transport and use fuels, lubricants, chemicals and other substances so as to prevent releases into the marine environment, including bunding of 110% of the total volume of all reservoirs and containers;

(b)report any spill of oil, fuel or chemicals into the marine area to the MMO Marine Pollution Response Team within 12 hours of the spill occurring; and

(c)store all waste in designated areas that are isolated from surface water drains and open water and are bunded.

Percussive piling

10.  Where a licensed activity involves percussive piling the licence holder must commence piling activities using soft-start techniques for at least 20 minutes to ensure an incremental increase in pile power until full operational power is achieved. Should piling cease for at least 10 minutes the soft-start procedures must be repeated.

Archaeological written scheme of investigation

11.—(1) At the same time as the licence holder submits the first method statement to the MMO for approval under condition 5, the licence holder must supply the MMO with, for information purposes, the Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation.

(2) At the same time as the licence holder submits any subsequent method statement to the MMO for approval under condition 5, the licence holder must supply the MMO with, for information purposes, the Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation if it has been amended from any previous version supplied to the MMO under this paragraph.

(3) The licence holder must implement and act in accordance with the Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation.

Removal of temporary structures, etc.

12.—(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), the licence holder must remove all equipment, temporary structures, waste and debris associated with the licensed activities from the River within 6 weeks of the completion of those activities, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the MMO.

(2) The licence holder must remove the temporary structures constructed under Work No. 20A as soon as reasonably practicable after the use of that work in connection with the construction of the authorised development has ceased, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the MMO.