The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (North East of England) Regulations 2020 (revoked)

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations impose restricted opening hours on businesses selling goods or providing services in certain areas in North East England. These businesses may not operate between 22:00 and 05:00, unless they are offering food and drink for consumption off the premises, provided by delivery. The Regulations further provide that the businesses subject to the restrictions on opening may offer food and drink for consumption on the premises only if it is served to customers sitting at a table. The Regulations also impose further restrictions on gatherings in those areas. The closures and restrictions last until they are terminated by a direction given by the Secretary of State or the Regulations expire under regulation 12.

The need for these restrictions must be reviewed by the Secretary of State every 14 days, with the first review taking place by 2nd October 2020.

No impact assessment has been prepared for these Regulations.