The Reinforcement to the North Shropshire Electricity Distribution Network Order 2020

Article 3


A nationally significant infrastructure project, as defined in sections 14(1)(b) and 16(1) of the 2008 Act and associated development within the meaning of section 115(2)(2) of the 2008 Act comprising—

OSWESTRY SUBSTATION (Associated Development)

Work No. 1 Works at Oswestry substation as shown on sheet 1 of the works plans comprising the installation of electrical switchgear and associated equipment (including 132kV cable sealing ends, isolator and associated busbar and 132kV outdoor circuit breaker) and 132kV underground cable.

132kV UNDERGROUND CABLE (Associated Development)

Work No. 2 the construction and installation and keeping of a 132kV underground cable and fibre optic cable 1.2km in length from Oswestry substation connecting to Work No.3 at a terminal structure at Long Wood (grid reference: SJ 3113229877) comprising three 132kV single core cables together with a fibre optic cable installed in 200mm diameter polyethylene ducts laid in trefoil formation together with the installation of cable protection tiles above at a depth of approximately 1.4m to ensure a final minimum depth of 975mm and as shown on sheet 1 of the works plans; and

(a)site preparation works and site clearance (including fencing, felling and vegetation removal);

(b)earthworks (including soil stripping and storage and site levelling);

(c)carrying out surveys or taking soil samples;

(d)establishment of temporary laydown and storage areas, temporary vehicle parking and construction fencing;

(e)cutting down, uprooting, topping or lopping of trees or shrubs or cutting back their roots;

(f)reinstatement hedgerow planting;

(g)establishment of temporary means of access and trackways;

(h)drainage works;

(i)ramps, means of access, footpaths and bridleways;

(j)works to alter the position of apparatus, including mains, sewers, drains and cables;

(k)works to alter the course of, or otherwise interfere with a watercourse;

(l)works to mitigate any adverse effects of the construction, maintenance or operation of the authorised development;

(m)works for the benefit or protection of land affected by the authorised development;

(n)the removal, disposal or re-siting of apparatus;

(o)open trench excavations and directional drilling.

132kV OVERHEAD LINE (Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project)

Work No. 3 the construction and installation and keeping of a 132kV electric line above ground of 21.3 km in length commencing in the vicinity of Long Wood (grid ref: SJ 3113229877) and following an easterly direction passing to the south of Whittington, north of Rednal, to the north of Lower Hordley, south of Cockshutt, and passing to the south of Loppington terminating at a gantry at Wem substation more particularly shown on sheets 1 to 16 of the works plans. This comprises a three phase 132kV line (three wires/conductors and fibre optic cable) mounted on 176 trident wood pole structures extending up to 18m high and terminal ends and cable sealing ends at terminal poles and all modifications required and any support to facilitate a change in angle of the electric line; and—

(a)site preparation works and site clearance (including fencing, felling and vegetation removal);

(b)earthworks (including soil stripping and storage and site levelling);

(c)carrying out surveys or taking soil samples;

(d)establishment of temporary laydown and storage areas, temporary vehicle parking and construction fencing;

(e)cutting down, uprooting, topping or lopping of trees or shrubs or cutting back their roots;

(f)reinstatement hedgerow planting;

(g)establishment of temporary means of access and trackways;

(h)drainage works;

(i)works to alter ramps, means of access, footpaths and bridleways;

(j)works to alter the position of apparatus, including mains, sewers, drains and cables;

(k)works to alter the course of, or otherwise interfere with a watercourse;

(l)works to mitigate any adverse effects of the construction, maintenance or operation of the authorised development;

(m)works for the benefit or protection of land affected by the authorised development;

(n)the provision of overhead electricity cables underground ducting and placing electricity cables below ground to connect to Work No.2 and Work No.5;

(o)establishment of winching points and the installation of scaffolding; and

(p)a welfare unit and a security cabin at laydown area number 7.

LOWER VOLTAGE DIVERSIONS (Associated Development)

Work No.4A the removal of existing 11kV and 33kV overhead lines between Oswestry and Wem as shown on sheets 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14 and 16 of the works plans and all associated wood poles, conductors, insulators and fittings and—

(a)site preparation works and site clearance (including fencing, felling and vegetation removal);

(b)earthworks (including soil stripping and storage and site levelling);

(c)carrying out surveys or taking soil samples;

(d)establishment of temporary laydown and storage areas, temporary vehicle parking and construction fencing;

(e)cutting down, uprooting, topping or lopping of trees or shrubs or cutting back their roots;

(f)reinstatement hedgerow planting;

(g)establishment of temporary means of access and trackways;

(h)drainage works;

(i)works to alter ramps, means of access, footpaths and bridleways;

(j)works to alter the position of apparatus, including mains, sewers, drains and cables;

(k)works to alter the course of, or otherwise interfere with a watercourse;

(l)works to mitigate any adverse effects of the construction, maintenance or operation of the authorised development;

(m)works for the benefit or protection of land affected by the authorised development; and

(n)establishment of winching points and the installation of scaffolding.

Work No.4B the undergrounding of 11kV and 33kV cables between Oswestry and Wem as shown on sheets 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14 and 16 of the works plans and—

(a)site preparation works and site clearance (including fencing, felling and vegetation removal);

(b)earthworks (including soil stripping and storage and site levelling);

(c)carrying out surveys or taking soil samples;

(d)establishment of temporary laydown and storage areas, temporary vehicle parking and construction fencing;

(e)cutting down, uprooting, topping or lopping of trees or shrubs or cutting back their roots;

(f)reinstatement hedgerow planting;

(g)establishment of temporary means of access and trackways;

(h)drainage works;

(i)works to alter ramps, means of access, footpaths and bridleways;

(j)works to alter the position of apparatus, including mains, sewers, drains and cables;

(k)works to alter the course of, or otherwise interfere with a watercourse;

(l)works to mitigate any adverse effects of the construction, maintenance or operation of the authorised development;

(m)works for the benefit or protection of land affected by the authorised development;

(n)establishment of winching points and the installation of scaffolding;

(o)works to install the means to connect the lower voltage overhead line (Work No.4A) with the new section of lower voltage underground cable.

WEM SUBSTATION (Associated Development)

Work No.5Works at Wem substation as shown on sheet 16 of the works plans comprising the installation of a 132kV gantry, isolator, associated busbar, a 132kV to 33kV transformer, 33kV cable and a 33kV circuit breaker and—

(a)site preparation works and site clearance (including fencing);


(c)creation of hard stoned area.


Relevant amendments to section 16 were made by S.I. 2010/277, S.I. 2013/1479 and S.I.2017/1012.


Relevant amendments to section 115(2) were made by the Housing and Planning Act 2016, section 160(1) and (3).