The Lake Lothing (Lowestoft) Third Crossing Order 2020





Road name number and length



The traffic regulation measures plans (clearways and prohibitions) – sheet 1
In the administrative area of East Suffolk Council

A12 Lake Lothing Third Crossing

A length of new and improved highway from a point on the existing C970 Peto Way 173 metres to the west of the improved existing roundabout junction of Rotterdam Road and Denmark Road, in a south-easterly direction to a point where it joins the A12 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Northern Roundabout along both the northbound and southbound carriageways.


A12 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Northern Roundabout

A length of new circulatory highway comprising the A12 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Northern Roundabout along the entire length of the circulatory carriageway.


Denmark Road

A length of new and improved highway from a point where it departs from the proposed Lake Lothing Third Crossing Northern Roundabout along both the northbound and southbound carriageways to a point where it joins the improved roundabout forming the junction between Rotterdam Road and Denmark Road for a distance of 48 metres including the entire length of the circulatory carriageway.


Denmark Road

A length of improved highway from a point from the improved roundabout forming the junction between Rotterdam Road and Denmark Road for a distance of 165 metres in an easterly direction along the eastbound carriageway of Denmark Road.

No waiting (at any time)

Denmark Road

A length of improved highway from a point from the improved roundabout forming the junction between Rotterdam Road and Denmark Road for a distance of 35 metres in an easterly direction along the westbound carriageway of Denmark Road.

No waiting (at any time)

Rotterdam Road

A length of improved highway from a point from the improved roundabout junction of Rotterdam Road and Denmark Road for a distance of 5 metres in a northerly direction along the northbound carriageway of Rotterdam Road.

No waiting (at any time)

Rotterdam Road

A length of improved highway from a point from the improved roundabout junction of Rotterdam Road and Denmark Road for a distance of 50 metres in a northerly direction along the southbound carriageway of Rotterdam Road.

No waiting (at any time)

Peto Way

A length of existing highway to be improved from a point where it departs from the proposed A12 Lake Lothing Third Crossing 129 metres west of the improved roundabout junction of Rotterdam Road and Denmark Road for a distance of 56 metres in an easterly direction to a point where it joins the new access road from the improved existing roundabout junction of Rotterdam Road and Denmark Road to the Lake Lothing Third Crossing Northern Roundabout.


Peto Way

A length of existing highway (eastbound carriageway only) from the point where it departs from the A12 Lake Lothing Third Crossing eastwards for a distance of 80 metres.

Prohibition of entry for vehicles travelling west.
The traffic regulation measures plans (clearways and prohibitions) – sheets 1 and 2
In the administrative area of East Suffolk Council

A12 Lake Lothing Third Crossing

A length of new and improved highway from its junction with the A12 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Northern Roundabout in a generally southerly direction for a distance of 604 metres to its junction with the A12 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Southern Roundabout along both the northbound and southbound carriageways.

The traffic regulation measures plans (clearways and prohibitions) – sheet 2
In the administrative area of East Suffolk Council

A12 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Southern Roundabout

A length of new circulatory highway comprising the A12 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Southern Roundabout along the entire length of the circulatory carriageway.


New Access Road from Waveney Drive to Riverside Road

A length of new highway from a point on Waveney Drive 100 metres east of its junction with Waveney Crescent West, in a generally northerly direction for a distance of 236 metres along both the northbound and southbound carriageways.

No waiting (at any time)

Riverside Road

A length of new highway from a point on the existing Riverside Road 175 metres west of the northern entrance to premises known as Riverside (4 Canning Road), in an easterly direction towards the existing Riverside Road, for a distance of 107 metres on the eastbound carriageway

No waiting (at any time)

Riverside Road

A length of improved highway from a point on the existing Riverside Road 47 metres west of the northern entrance to premises known as Riverside (4 Canning Road), in an easterly direction towards the existing Riverside Road, for a distance of 25 metres on the eastbound carriageway

No waiting (at any time)

Riverside Road

A length of improved highway from a point on the existing Riverside Road 43 metres east of the northern entrance to premises known as Riverside (4 Canning Road), in an easterly direction towards the existing Nexen access for a distance of 65 metres on the eastbound carriageway

No waiting (at any time)

New Access Road to Control Tower and Nexen Group premises

A length of new highway from a point on the existing Riverside Road 55 metres east of the northern entrance to premises known as Riverside (4 Canning Road), in a generally north-easterly direction and forming a turning head for the Control Tower and new highway access to land on the east side of the new bridge southern approach (being premises occupied by Nexen), for a distance of 50 metres on the northbound and southbound carriageways.

No waiting (at any time)

Riverside Road

A length of new and improved highway from a point on the existing Riverside Road 145 metres west of the northern entrance to premises known as Riverside (4 Canning Road), in an easterly direction towards the existing Nexen access, for a distance of 250 metres on the westbound carriageway

No waiting (at any time)

New Access Road from Riverside Road to Canning Road

A length of new highway from a point on the existing Riverside Road 37 metres east of the northern entrance to premises known as Riverside (4 Canning Road), in a generally southerly direction for a distance of 90 metres to its junction with the improved Canning Road along the southbound carriageways.

No waiting (at any time)

New Access Road from Riverside Road to Canning Road

A length of new highway from a point on the existing Riverside Road 37 metres east of the northern entrance to premises known as Riverside (4 Canning Road), in a generally southerly direction for a distance of 6 metres to its junction with the improved Canning Road along the northbound carriageway.

No waiting (at any time)

New Access Road forming new eastern entrance into Riverside

A length of new highway from a point on the existing Canning Road 55 metres west of the Registry Office access in a westerly direction for a distance of 10 metres along both the eastbound and westbound carriageways.

No waiting (at any time)

New Access Road south from Canning Road

A length of new highway from the improved junction of Canning Road in a southerly direction for a distance of 45 metres on the northbound carriageway.

No waiting (at any time)

Canning Road

The length of the existing Canning Road from a point 19 metres east of the improved entrance to the premises known as Riverside (4 Canning Road) in a generally south-westerly direction for a distance of 32 metres along the eastern side of the carriageway only.

No waiting (at any time)

Canning Road

A length of improved highway from a point on the existing Canning Road 8 metres east of the Registry Office Access for a length of 9 metres in an easterly direction and being the length of highway comprising the new Canning Road turning head

No waiting (at any time)

Durban Road

From a point 185 metres north east of the junction of Kimberley Road with Durban Road, in a generally north-easterly direction for a distance of 36 metres, and being the length of highway comprising the new Durban Road turning head.

No waiting (at any time)

B1531 Waveney Drive

On the north side, from the new A12 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Southern Roundabout for a distance of 50 metres in an easterly direction.

On the south side, from the new A12 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Southern Roundabout for a distance of 40 metres in an easterly direction.


B1531 Waveney Drive

An improved length of the existing Waveney Drive from a point 55 metres east of its junction with Waveney Crescent West in an easterly direction for 130 metres along both the westbound and eastbound carriageways.

No waiting (at any time)

B1531 Waveney Drive

Waveney Drive from a point 80 metres west of the A12 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Southern Roundabout in an easterly direction for a distance of 80 metres along both the westbound and eastbound carriageways.


Durban Road

A length of the improved Durban Road from a point 450 metres north east of the existing junction of Kimberley Road with Durban Road for a distance of 5 metres, south-west from the outer edge of the Lake Lothing Third Crossing Southern Roundabout across both the northbound and southbound carriageways

The prohibition of use by motorised vehicles except for emergency vehicles which may access Durban Road from both its southern and northern ends (including via its junction with the new southern roundabout) and may travel either northbound or southbound on Durban Road; and except for the motorised vehicles of owners and occupiers of and visitors to No. 1b Durban Road in respect of which access is permitted via the southern end of Durban Road only.
The traffic regulation measures plans (clearways and prohibitions) – sheet 3
In the administrative area of East Suffolk Council

Kimberley Road

A length of Kimberley Road for a distance of 28 metres in a westerly direction from its junction with Durban Road along both the eastbound and westbound carriageways.

No waiting (at any time)

No loading or unloading (at any time).

Kimberley Road

A length of Kimberley Road for a distance of 30 metres in an easterly direction from its junction with Waveney Drive along both the eastbound and westbound carriageways.

No waiting (at any time)

Kirkley Run

A length of Kirkley Run for a distance of 41 metres in a southerly direction from a point 14 metres north of the centre of Notley Road along the edge of the north-westbound carriageway.

No waiting (at any time)

Kirkley Run

A length of Kirkley Run for a distance of 24 metres in a southerly direction from the junction of Kirkley Run and Notley Road along the south-eastbound carriageway.

No waiting (at any time)

Notley Road

A length of Notley Road for a distance of 55 metres in a generally north-easterly direction from the junction with Kirkley Run along the westbound carriageway.

No waiting (at any time)

Notley Road

A length of Notley Road for a distance of 17 metres in an easterly direction from a point 79 metres east of the junction with Kirkley Run along the westbound carriageway.

No waiting (at any time)

Notley Road

A length of Notley Road for a distance of 17 metres in a generally easterly direction from a point 147 metres east of the junction with Kirkley Run along the westbound carriageway.

No waiting (at any time)

Notley Road

A length of Notley Road for a distance of 17 metres in a generally easterly direction from a point 199 metres east of the junction with Kirkley Run along the westbound carriageway.

No waiting (at any time)

Notley Road

A length of Notley Road for a distance of 17 metres in a westerly direction from a point 207 metres west of the junction of Notley Road with Durban Road and the access to Waveney Gymnastics Club, on the westbound carriageway.

No waiting (at any time)

Notley Road

A length of Notley Road for a distance of 17 metres in an easterly direction from a point 174 metres west of the junction of Notley Road with Durban Road and the access to Waveney Gymnastics Club, on the westbound carriageway.

No waiting (at any time)

Notley Road

A length of Notley Road for a distance of 82 metres in an easterly direction from a point 85 metres west of the centre of the junction of Notley Road with Durban Road and the access to Waveney Gymnastics Club, on the westbound carriageway.

No waiting (at any time)

Notley Road

A length of Notley Road for a distance of 420 metres in an easterly direction from the junction with Kirkley Run along the eastbound carriageway.

No waiting (at any time)

Notley Road

A length of Notley Road for a distance of 17 metres in an easterly direction from a point 85 metres west of the centre of the junction of Notley Road with Durban Road and the access to Waveney Gymnastics Club, on the eastbound carriageway.

No waiting (at any time)

Notley Road

A length of Notley Road for a distance of 21 metres in a generally westerly direction from the centre of the junction between Notley Road, Durban Road and the access to Waveney Gymnastics Club along the eastbound carriageway.

No waiting (at any time)

Durban Road

A length of Durban Road for a distance of 21 metres in a north-easterly direction from the junction of Notley Road with Durban Road and the access to Waveney Gymnastics Club, on the north-eastbound carriageway.

No waiting (at any time)

Durban Road

A length of Durban Road for a distance of 16 metres in a south-westerly direction from a point 18 metres east of the junction of Notley Road with Durban Road and the access to Waveney Gymnastics Club, on the south-westbound carriageway.

No waiting (at any time)

Access to Waveney Gymnastics Club

Access to Waveney Gymnastics Club for a distance of 67 metres in a generally south-westerly direction from the junction of Notley Road with Durban Road and the access to the Waveney Gymnastics Club, on both sides of the carriageway.

No waiting (at any time)