Noise – construction stageU.K.
21.—(1) For normal daytime construction and demolition works carried out on weekdays between 07:00 and 18:30 hours, the construction and demolition noise level measured at a noise sensitive receptor must not exceed Leq, 11hour 65 dB(A) and on Saturdays between 08:00 and 13:00 hours, the noise level measured at a noise sensitive receptor must not exceed Leq, 5 hour 65 dB(A) wherever practicable. Where this is not practicable, prior approval from the local authority must be sought, with full justification given for the deviation.
(2) Subject to health and safety requirements, broadband reversing alarms must be employed on mobile plant.
(3) In the event that complaints for noise nuisance are received by the local planning authority in respect of construction noise and the local planning authority considers those complaints justified, the undertaker must unless otherwise agreed by the local planning authority, at its own expense, employ a consultant approved by the local planning authority to carry out an assessment of noise from the development relating to noise from construction of the site. The assessment will be carried out to an appropriate methodology agreed in writing by the local planning authority and the results of the assessment will be submitted to the local planning authority within 28 days of the assessment. If it is found that the effect of noise from the authorised development is greater than was anticipated (as set out in paragraphs 13A.67 to 13A.82 of the addendum to Chapter 13 of the environmental statement), recommendations for appropriate remedial measures must be made and those recommendations, where reasonable, implemented in accordance with a programme agreed between the local planning authority and the undertaker.