The West Midlands Rail Freight Interchange Order 2020


(1) Area(2) Private Means of Access(3) Stage of the Authorised Development
District of South StaffordshireField access to the west of the A449 shown with a green dot at point 1 on the access and rights of way plans (Document 2.3A and 2.3F).Upon the opening to public traffic of the layby on the western side of the A449.
District of South StaffordshireField access to the east of the A449 shown with a green dot at point 2 on the access and rights of way plans (Document 2.3A and 2.3F).Upon the opening to public traffic of the layby on the eastern side of the A449.
District of South StaffordshireField access to the south of the A5 shown with a green dot at point 3 on the access and rights of way plans (Document 2.3A and 2.3B).Upon the commencement of construction of the roundabout at the junction of the A5 with the A5/A449 link road.
District of South StaffordshireAccess to Clovelly south of the A5 shown with a green dot at point 4 on the access and rights of way plans (Document 2.3A and 2.3B).Upon the commencement of construction of the roundabout at the junction of the A5 with the A5/A449 link road.
District of South StaffordshireAccess to Fir Tree Cottage to the east of the A449 shown with a green dot at point 5 on the access and rights of way plans (Document 2.3E).Upon the commencement of that part of the authorised development known as Zone A1 as shown on the parameters plans.
District of South StaffordshireField access to the east of the A449 shown with a green dot at point 6 on the access and rights of way plans (Document 2.3E).Upon the commencement of that part of the authorised development known as Zone A1 as shown on the parameters plans.
District of South StaffordshireAccess to Croft Farm shown coloured purple between points FF and GG on the access and rights of way plans (Document 2.3A).Upon the commencement of that part of the authorised development known as Zone A3 as shown in the parameters plans.
District of South StaffordshireAccess to Calf Heath Quarry shown coloured purple between points HH and II on the access and rights of way plans (Document 2.3B).Upon the commencement of that part of the authorised development known as Zone A4a as shown on the parameters plans.