Article 3
In North Lincolnshire—
A nationally significant infrastructure project as defined in sections 14(1)(a) and 15 of the 2008 Act, and associated development under section 115(1)(b) of that Act, consisting of a generating station with a gross rated electrical output of up to 299MWe—
Work No. 1 – OCGT power station, being an open cycle gas turbine generating station with a gross capacity of up to 299 megawatts, comprising—
(a)gas turbine and turbine hall buildings;
(b)electrical generator;
(d)auxiliary cooling equipment or system;
(e)gas turbine air intake filters;
(f)banks of finfan coolers;
(g)nitrogen oxide emissions control equipment;
(i)a switchyard, associated switch gear and ancillary equipment;
(j)a gas receiving area, gas control facilities and gas reception building;
(k)lubricating oil, hydraulic oil and chemical storage tanks and equipment;
(l)continuous emissions monitoring system;
(m)raw water and fire water storage tanks;
(n)water treatment facilities, demineralised water treatment works, including storage tanks;
(o)oily water and waste water treatment plant building and basin;
(p)fire fighting equipment, buildings and distribution pipework;
(q)permanent plant laydown area;
(r)auxiliary plant, buildings, enclosures and structures;
(s)mechanical, electrical, gas, telecommunications and water networks, pipework, cables, racks, infrastructure, instrumentation and utilities, including connections between parts of this Work No. 1 and Work Nos 4, 5 and 6;
(t)workshop buildings and stores;
(u)electrical, control, administration and welfare buildings; and
(v)storm water attenuation system.
Work No. 2 – access, comprising access from Rosper Road to each of Work Numbers 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Work No. 3 – temporary construction and laydown comprising hard standing, laydown and open storage areas, contractor compounds and staff welfare facilities, vehicle parking, roadways and haul routes, security fencing and gates, gatehouses, external lighting and lighting columns.
Work No. 4 – gas connection, being works for the transport of natural gas to Work No. 1, comprising—
(a)an underground and overground gas pipeline up to 600 millimetres (nominal internal diameter);
(b)cathodic protection system and posts;
(c)marker posts; and
(d)control systems and cables.
Work No. 5 – overground electrical connection up to 400 kilovolts and controls systems.
Work No 6 – utilities and services connections comprising—
(a)water pipes, connections, structures and ancillary equipment;
(b)telecommunications cables and equipment;
(c)compressed air connections and ancillary equipment;
(d)electrical cables, connections and ancillary equipment;
(e)control systems and cables; and
(f)closed circuit television and security system connections.
In connection with and in addition to Work Nos. 1 to 6, further development including—
(a)buildings and structures;
(b)surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems including storage basins, oil water separators, including channelling and culverting and works to existing drainage systems;
(c)electrical, gas, water, foul drainage and telecommunications infrastructure, connections and works, and works to install, remove, alter and connect into such services;
(d)hard standing and hard landscaping, soft landscaping, embankments, planting and biodiversity enhancement measures;
(e)security fencing, gates, boundary treatment and other means of enclosure;
(f)lighting, including lighting columns;
(g)gatehouses and weighbridges;
(h)closed circuit television cameras, columns and other security works;
(i)site establishment and preparation works, including site clearance, demolition, earthworks, excavations, vehicular access points, the alteration and protection of services and utilities, and works for the protection of buildings and land;
(j)temporary construction laydown areas, contractor facilities, materials and plant storage, generators, concrete batching facilities, vehicle and cycle parking, roadways and haul routes, offices and welfare facilities, wheel wash facilities, and signage;
(k)vehicle parking and cycle storage;
(l)accesses, roads, pedestrian and cycle routes; and
(m)tunnelling, boring and drilling works,
and to the extent that it does not form part of such works, further associated development comprising such other works as may be necessary or expedient for the purposes of or in connection with the relevant part of the authorised development and which fall within the scope of the works assessed in the environmental statement.