In the administrative area of Wiltshire Council—
An 11.6 kilometre length of new road
1. An 11.6 km length of new road to be constructed and classified (as identified in sub-paragraphs (a) to (i) below) as part of the A303 trunk road (such length also including existing highway to be improved, as identified in sub-paragraphs (a) and (i) below)—
(a)commencing from a point 1.26 km to the east of the centre point of iron age hillfort Yarnbury Castle and following the existing A303 alignment for a distance of 1000 metres in a generally easterly direction to a point 1.85 km west of the junction of the existing A303 with Berwick Road B3083;
(b)then departing from the existing alignment in a north easterly direction, to the north of Winterbourne Stoke, for a distance of 1.74 km, to cross the route of the existing B3083 at a point 475 metres north of its junction with the existing A303;
(c)continuing to the north of Winterbourne Stoke for a distance of 517 metres and crossing the River Till on a new viaduct at a point 395 metres north of the existing A303 river crossing;
(d)departing from the River Till and continuing in a generally easterly direction for a distance of 1.48 km to a crossing point with the existing A303 at a point 693 metres to the west of the centre of the existing Longbarrow roundabout;
(e)passing beneath the new bridge at Longbarrow Junction which it is proposed will carry the realigned A360 and then continuing in an easterly direction for a distance of 694 metres to pass the existing A360 in cutting at a point 95 metres south of the centre of the existing Longbarrow roundabout;
(f)from the A360 continuing in a generally easterly direction, running parallel with and to the south of the existing A303 for a distance of 971 metres to the new western tunnel portal, at a point 940 metres to the west of the crossing point of existing byway AMES12 and 60 metres to the south of the existing A303 at that point;
(g)continuing within the new tunnel for a distance of 2.25 km, to the crossing point of the existing A303 located 920 metres east of the junction of byway AMES 11;
(h)continuing within the new tunnel in an easterly direction, for a distance of 1.01 km to the new eastern tunnel portal, located at a point 710 metres to the east of the junction of the existing A303 and Bridleway AMES10 and 65 metres to the north of the centre of the existing A303; and
(i)from the new eastern portal eastwards for a distance of 1.93 km, following the route of the existing A303 and continuing through the improved Countess junction on a new flyover, then terminating at a point located 630 metres to the east of the centre point of the existing Countess roundabout,
identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan.