

Consent to transfer benefit of the Order

8.—(1) Subject to paragraph (4), the undertaker may—

(a)transfer to another person (“the transferee”) all or any part of the benefit of the provisions of this Order (including any of the numbered works or any part of the numbered works) and such related statutory rights as may be agreed in writing between the undertaker and the transferee; or

(b)grant to another person (“the lessee”), for a period agreed between the undertaker and the lessee, all or any part of the benefit of the provisions of this Order (including any of the numbered works or any part of the numbered works) and such related statutory rights as may be agreed between the undertaker and the lessee.

(2) Where an agreement has been made in accordance with paragraph (1)(a) or (1)(b) references in this Order to the undertaker, except paragraph (3), include references to the transferee or the lessee.

(3) The exercise by a person of any benefits or rights conferred in accordance with any transfer or grant under paragraph (1) is subject to the same restrictions, liabilities and obligations as would apply under this Order if those benefits or rights were exercised by the undertaker.

(4) The consent of the Secretary of State is required for the exercise of the powers of paragraph (1) except where—

(a)the transferee or lessee holds a licence under section 6 (licenses authorising supply, etc) of the Electricity Act 1989(1);

(b)in relation to a transfer or lease of any works within a highway, the transferee or lessee is a highway authority responsible for the relevant highway; or

(c)the time limits for all claims for compensation in respect of the acquisition of land or effects upon land under this Order have elapsed and—

(i)no such claims have been made;

(ii)any such claims that have been made have all been compromised or withdrawn;

(iii)compensation has been paid in final settlement of any claims made;

(iv)payment of compensation into court in lieu of settlement of all such claims has take place; or

(v)it has been determined by a tribunal or court of competent jurisdiction in respect of all claims that no compensation is payable.

(5) Where the consent of the Secretary of State is not required under paragraph (4), the undertaker must notify the Secretary of State in writing before transferring or granting all or any part of the benefit of the provisions of this Order and such related statutory rights referred to in paragraph (1).

(6) The notification referred to in paragraph (5) must state—

(a)the name and contact details of the person to whom the benefit of the powers will be transferred or granted;

(b)subject to paragraph (7), the date on which the transfer will take effect;

(c)the powers to be transferred or granted;

(d)pursuant to paragraph (3), the restrictions, liabilities and obligations that will apply to the person exercising the powers transferred or granted; and

(e)where relevant, a plan showing the works or areas to which the transfer or grant relates.

(7) The date specified under paragraph (6)(b) must not be earlier than the expiry of fourteen working days from the date of the receipt of the notice.

(8) The notice given under paragraph (5) must be signed by the undertaker and the person to whom the benefit of the powers will be transferred or granted as specified in that notice.


1989 c. 29. Section 6 was amended by section 30 of the Utilities Act 2000 (c. 27), sections 89(3), 136(1), 136(2), 145(5), 145(6), and 145(7), and paragraph 5 of Schedule 19 and paragraph 1 of Schedule 23(1) to the Energy Act 2004 (c. 20), articles 6(2)(a), 6(2)(b), 6(3), 6(4) of the Electricity and Gas (Smart Meters Licensable Activity) Order 2012/2400, regulation 19 of the Electricity and Gas (Internal Markets) Regulations 2011/2704, and by paragraph 2 of Schedule 8 to the Climate Change Act 2008 (c. 27).