




In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
Temple Sowerby connector road

25.  A 129 metre length of new and existing road to be classified as part of the new A66 commencing at a point 15 metres to the south of its existing junction with the A66 westbound carriageway, continuing in a generally easterly direction, to its junction with the proposed roundabout as shown on sheet 1 of the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

Kirkby Thore Junction (access to British Gypsum) eastbound connector road

26.  A 155 metre diverge slip road off, and a 210 metre merge slip road onto, the eastbound carriageway of the new A66, connecting to a 178 metre length of new compact connector road, in a generally northerly direction, connecting with the improved unclassified Fell Lane (C3065). Slip roads and compact connector road to be classified as part of the A66, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

Kirkby Thore Junction (access to British Gypsum) westbound connector road

27.  A 160 metre diverge slip road off, and a 180 metre merge slip road onto, the westbound carriageway of the new A66, connecting to a 217 metre length of new compact connector road, in a generally southerly direction, connecting with the new C3065. Slip roads and compact connector road to be classified as part of the A66, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

Long Marton Junction eastbound connector road

28.  A 115 metre diverge slip road off, and a 130 metre merge slip road onto, the eastbound carriageway of the new A66, connecting to a 222 metre length of new compact connector road, in a generally north-easterly direction, connecting with the new C3063. Slip roads and compact connector road to be classified as part of the A66, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

Long Marton Junction westbound connector road

29.  A 120 metre diverge slip road off, and a 129 metre merge slip road onto, the westbound carriageway of the new A66, connecting to a 200 metre length of new compact connector road, in a generally easterly direction, connecting with the new C3063. Slip roads and compact connector road to be classified as part of the A66, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

Local road linking C3057 to A66

30.  A 26 metre length of existing road to be classified as part of the new A66, commencing at its junction with the C3057 (Roman Road) and continuing in a south-westerly direction, following the alignment of the existing road which links with the eastbound carriageway of the A66, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.