The Pensions Act 2004 (General Code of Practice) (Appointed Day, Amendment and Revocations) Order 2024

Statutory Instruments

2024 No. 431


The Pensions Act 2004 (General Code of Practice) (Appointed Day, Amendment and Revocations) Order 2024


26th March 2024

The Secretary of State makes this Order in exercise of the powers conferred by section 91(9) of the Pensions Act 2004(1).

Citation and extent

1.—(1) This Order may be cited as the Pensions Act 2004 (General Code of Practice) (Appointed Day, Amendment and Revocations) Order 2024.

(2) This Order extends to England and Wales and Scotland.

Appointed day

2.  The day appointed for the coming into effect of the Pensions Regulator General Code of Practice is 28th March 2024.

Amendment of the Pensions Act 2004 (Commencement No. 4 and Amendment) Order 2005

3.  In the Pensions Act 2004 (Commencement No. 4 and Amendment) Order 2005(2), omit article 2(1) with effect from 28th March 2024.

Revocation of earlier Orders

4.  The following Orders are revoked with effect from 28th March 2024—

(a)the Pensions Act 2004 (Codes of Practice) (Early Leavers, Late Payment of Contributions and Trustee Knowledge and Understanding) Appointed Day Order 2006(3);

(b)the Pensions Act 2004 (Codes of Practice) (Member-nominated Trustees and Directors and Internal Controls) Appointed Day Order 2006(4);

(c)the Pensions Act 2004 (Code of Practice) (Dispute Resolution) Appointed Day Order 2008(5);

(d)the Pensions Act 2004 (Code of Practice) (Trustee Knowledge and Understanding) Appointed Day Order 2009(6);

(e)the Pensions Act 2004 (Codes of Practice) (Reporting Late Payment of Contributions) Appointed Day Order 2013(7);

(f)the Pensions Act 2004 (Code of Practice) (Governance and Administration of Public Service Pension Schemes) Appointed Day Order 2015(8); 

(g)the Pensions Act 2004 (Code of Practice) (Governance and Administration of Occupational Trust-based Schemes Providing Money Purchase Benefits) Appointed Day Order 2016(9).

Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions

Paul Maynard

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State

Department for Work and Pensions

26th March 2024

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order appoints 28th March 2024 as the day for the coming into effect of the Pensions Regulator General Code of Practice. The General Code of Practice consolidates ten existing codes of practice and provides guidance to those running occupational, personal, and public service pension schemes.

The General Code of Practice is available on the Pensions Regulator’s website: Copies may be obtained by post from the Pensions Regulator, Telecom House, 125-135 Preston Road, Brighton, BN1 6AF.

Article 3 of this Order amends article 2 of the Pensions Act 2004 (Commencement No. 4 and Amendment) Order 2005 (S.I. 2005/1108) by omitting paragraph (1) of that article, which brought into effect the Pensions Regulator Code of Practice No. 1: Reporting breaches of the Law. That Code of Practice is revoked with effect from 28th March 2024, under the Pensions Act 2004 (Codes of Practice) (Revocation) Order 2024 (S.I. 2024/273) (“the 2024 Revocation Order”).

Article 4 revokes the seven Appointed Day Orders which brought into effect a number of other codes of practice issued by the Pensions Regulator, which have also been revoked by the 2024 Revocation Order.

A full impact assessment has not been produced for this instrument as no, or no significant, impact on the private, voluntary or public sectors is foreseen.