The Bus Service Operators Grant (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2003

Amendment of the 2002 Regulations: interpretation

3.—(1) There are inserted into regulation 2 of the 2002 Regulations (interpretation)—

(a)at the beginning—

“apex fare” (“pris tocyn apex”) means, in relation to a journey, a fare which is payable when purchasing a ticket for that journey at least seven clear days before the date of travel and which is not more than 90% of the full adult fare which would be payable on purchasing such a ticket on the day of travel;

(b)after the definition of “disabled person”—

“domestic coach service” (“gwasanaeth coetsys domestig”) means a bus service which—


carries passengers at separate fares;


operates between two scheduled stops (at least one of which is in Wales), whether or not the service terminates at one or both of these stops; and


is not a local service;”;


after the definition of “public passenger transport services”—

“statutory travel concession permit” (“trwydded consesiwn teithio statudol”) has the same meaning as in section 145 of the Transport Act 2000;.