Rheoliadau Grantiau Adnewyddu Tai (Ffurflen a Manylion Rhagnodedig) (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2004

Offerynnau Statudol Cymru

2004 Rhif 254 (Cy.29)


Rheoliadau Grantiau Adnewyddu Tai (Ffurflen a Manylion Rhagnodedig) (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2004

Wedi'u gwneud

4 Chwefror 2004

Yn dod i rym

9 Chwefror 2004

Mae Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru, drwy arfer y pwerau a roddwyd iddo gan adrannau 2(2) a (4), a 146(1) a (2) o Ddeddf Grantiau Tai, Adeiladu ac Adfywio 1996(1) drwy hyn yn gwneud y Rheoliadau canlynol:

Enwi, cychwyn a chymhwyso

1.—(1Enw'r Rheoliadau hyn yw Rheoliadau Grantiau Adnewyddu Tai (Ffurflen a Manylion Rhagnodedig) (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2004 a deuant i rym ar 9 Chwefror 2004.

(2Mae'r Rheoliadau hyn yn gymwys i geisiadau am grant a wnaed ar neu ar ôl 9 Chwefror 2004 i awdurdodau tai lleol yng Nghymru(2).


2.  Mae Rheoliadau Grantiau Adnewyddu Tai (Ffurflen a Manylion Rhagnodedig) 1996(3) yn cael eu diwygio yn unol â'r rheoliadau canlynol.

Rheoliad 2

3.  Yn lle rheoliad 2 (ffurflenni cais am grant) rhowch —

2.(1) The form set out in the Schedule shall be the prescribed form of application for a grant (other than a landlord’s application) for the purposes of section 2(4) of the Act.

(2) In paragraph (1), “landlord’s application” means an owner’s application in respect of works to a dwelling which is or is intended to be let, or to the common parts of a building in which a flat is or is intended to be let..

Yr Atodlen

4.  Mae'r ffurflen a welir yn yr Atodlen yn cael ei diwygio yn y modd a welir yn yr Atodlen i'r Rheoliadau hyn.

Llofnodwyd ar ran Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru o dan adran 66(1) o Ddeddf Llywodraeth Cymru 1998(4)

D. Elis-Thomas

Llywydd y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol

4 Chwefror 2004

Rheoliad 4


1.  Yn lle pennawd y ffurflen ac yn lle'r cyfan o'r testun sy'n dod o flaen Rhan 1 rhowch —



2.  Yn y testun mewn italig o flaen cwestiwn 1.1, hepgorwch y geiriau o “Throughout” i “in the Act”.

3.  Yng nghwestiynau 1.2A, 1.3, 1.5 ac 1.9 yn lle “property” rhowch “premises”.

4.  Yn lle cwestiwn 1.7 a'r pennawd o'i flaen rhowch —


5.  Hepgorwch gwestiynnau 1.8 ac 1.18.

6.  Yng nghwestiwn 1.10 and 1.11 yn lle “this property” rhowch “these premises.”

7.  Yn lle Rhan 2 (yn cynnwys Rhannau 2 i 2C) rhowch —


8.  Ar ddechrau Rhan 3, yn lle'r testun mewn italig o flaen cwestiwn 3.1 rhowch —

Note 47A

9.  Yng nghwestiwn 3.1 ar ôl “income support” mewnosodwch “, guarantee credit”.

10.  Yng nghwestiwn 3.9 hepgorwch yr eitem ynglyn â chredyd treth person anabl.

11.  Yng nghwestiynau 3.9, 3.12, 3.13, 3.29 a 3.30 yn lle “invalid care” (pryd bynnag y mae'r geiriau hyn yn ymddangos) rhowch “carer's”.

12.  Yng nghwestiwn 3.26 —

(a)yn y man priodol mewnosodwch —


(b)yn lle “War widow's” rhowch “or widower's”.

13.  Yng nghwestiwn 3.29 —

(a)yn y mannau priodol mewnosodwch —

  • Child Tax Credit £ ... ... ... ... £ ... ... ... ...; a

  • Working Tax Credit £ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... £; ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...;

(b)hegorwch yr eitem ynglyn â chredyd treth person anabl; ac

(c)ar ôl “Statutory maternity pay” mewnosodwch “paternity pay or adoption pay”.

14.  Yn Rhan 4, yn lle paragraff 4.1(c) rhowch —

(c)The certificates required for your application as mentioned in question 2.4.

15.  Yn Nodyn 1, yn lle “the property” rhowch “the premises” ac yn lle “at that property” rhowch “there”.

16.  Yn lle Nodyn 4 rhowch —

4.  Most of the qualifying conditions for grant are waived for applications in respect of glebe land or the residence house of an ecclesiastical benefice: see section 95..

17.  Ar ôl Nodyn 5 mewnosodwch —

5A.  A “qualifying houseboat” is a boat or similar structure designed or adapted for use as a place of permanent habitation which —

(a)has its only or main mooring within the area of a single local housing authority; and

(b)is moored in pursuance of a right to that mooring; and

(c)is a dwelling for the purposes of council tax.

(See the definition of “qualifying houseboat” in section 58).

5B.  A “qualifying park home” is defined in section 58. It means a caravan which —

(a)is stationed on land forming part of a protected site within the meaning of the Mobile Homes Act 1983; and

(b)is occupied under an agreement to which that Act applies or under a gratuitous licence; and

(c)is a dwelling for council tax purposes.

“Caravan” is defined in section 29(1) of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960. It means, broadly, a structure designed or adapted for living in which is capable of being moved from place to place.

5C.  Tick the box if the application includes works for the provision of facilities in the common parts of a building containing one or more flats..

18.  Hepgorwch Nodiadau 6, 14, 15, 22 i 26, 28 i 30, 32, 33, 39, 41 i 47 a 54A.

19.  Yn Nodyn 12 yn lle “Where the application is for disabled facilities grant, the” rhowch “The”.

20.  Yn Nodyn 13 hepgorwch y darn o “Section 29 does” hyd at y diwedd.

21.  For Notes 16 to19 substitute —

16.  You can make an owner’s application if you own the freehold of the premises or hold a tenancy of the premises with at least 5 years still to run or if you are proposing to acquire either of these interests. If you hold a tenancy with less than 5 years to run, you are not eligible to make an owner’s application but you should consider making a tenant’s application instead.

17.  A landlord’s application is an owner’s application for works to a house or flat which is or is intended to be let or to the common parts of a building in which a flat is or is intended to be let: section 31(1).

18.  You can make a tenant’s application if you are the tenant of the premises and the tenancy has less than 5 years still to run. Section 19(5) gives an extended meaning to the word “tenant” — for further information see Note 37.

19.  You can make an occupier’s application for works to a qualifying houseboat or a qualifying park home if you occupy it, whether as a sole occupier or as a joint occupier with others. See also Notes 5A and 5B..

22.  Yn lle Nodyn 31 rhowch —

31.  The disabled occupant means the disabled person for whose benefit it is proposed to carry out any of the relevant works. Section 100 gives the meaning of “disabled person.”.

23.  For Note 34 substitute —

34.  The Council is not allowed to entertain a grant application unless it is accompanied —

(a)in the case of an owner’s application, by a certificate known as an owner’s certificate (see Note 35);

(b)in the case of a tenant’s application, by an owner’s certificate and another certificate known as a tenant’s certificate (see Notes 35 and 36);

(c)in the case of an occupier’s application, by certificates known as an occupier’s certificate and a consent certificate (see Note 36A).

The Council may waive the requirement for an owner’s certificate to accompany a tenant’s application, or a consent certificate to accompany an occupier’s application, if they consider the requirement unreasonable in the circumstances. As regards certificates see sections 21, 22 and 22A.

24.  Yn Nodiadau 35 a 36 hepgorwch “relating to an application for disabled facilities grant” (yn y ddau le).

25.  Ar ôl Nodyn 36 mewnosodwch —

36A.  Under section 22A(2) an “occupier’s certificate” certifies —

(a)that the application is an occupier’s application; and

(b)that the applicant intends that he (if he is the disabled occupant) or the disabled occupant will live in the qualifying houseboat/qualifying park home as their only or main residence throughout the grant condition period or for such shorter period as his health and other relevant circumstances permit.

36B.  A consent certificate certifies that the person giving it consents to the carrying out of the relevant works. A consent certificate should be obtained from each person who is —

(a)entitled to possession of the premises at which the qualifying houseboat is moored or the pitch on which the qualifying park home is stationed; or

(b)entitled to dispose of the qualifying houseboat/qualifying park home.

See section 22A(3) and (4)..

26.  Yn Nodyn 37 hepgorwch “for the purposes of disabled facilities grant”.

27.  Yn Nodyn 40 hepgorwch “disabled facilities”.

28.  Ar ddiwedd Nodyn 47A(5) ychwanegwch —

  • Regulation 8 of the Housing Renewal Grant Regulations 1996 deals with the circumstances in which a person is to be treated as responsible or not responsible for a child or young person..

29.  Ar ddiwedd Nodyn 48 ychwanegwch —

  • Guarantee credit is an element of the social security benefit known as state pension credit payable under the State Pension Credit Act 2002..

30.  Yn Nodyn 55(a), yn lle “invalid care” rhowch “carer's”.

31.  Ar ôl Nodyn 73 mewnosodwch —

73A.  Savings credit is an element of the social security benefit known as state pension credit payable under the State Pension Credit Act 2002..

32.  Yn lle Nodyn 84B(6) rhowch —

84B.  Include also any payment in accordance with an award for working families' tax credit which was awarded with effect from a date falling before April 6 2003. From that date, working families' tax credit is known as working tax credit.

33.  Yn Nodyn 93 ar ôl “maternity leave” mewnosodwch “paternity leave or adoption leave”.

34.  Yn Nodyn 95(1)(a) hepgorwch “disabled person’s tax credit (previously known as disability working allowance)”.

Nodyn Esboniadol

(Nid yw'r nodyn hwn yn rhan o'r Rheoliadau)

Mae'r Rheoliadau hyn yn diwygio'r ffurflen a welir yn yr Atodlen i Reoliadau Grantiau Adnewyddu Tai (Ffurflen a Manylion Rhagnodedig) 1996 (O.S. 1996/2891). Y ffurflen ragnodedig ar gyfer ceisiadau am grant o dan Bennod 1 o Ran 1 o Ddeddf Grantiau Tai, Adeiladu ac Adfywio 1996 (“y Ddeddf”) yw'r ffurflen. Mae'r cwestiynau a'r nodiadau sydd wedi'u cynnwys yn y ffurflen ragnodedig yn adlewyrchu'r rheolau prawf moddion ar gyfer ceisiadau am grant sydd wedi'u cynnwys yn Rheoliadau Grantiau Adnewyddu Tai 1996 (O.S. 1996/2890) (“Rheoliadau 1996”).

Mae'r diwygiadau sy'n cael eu gwneud gan y Rheoliadau hyn yn gymwys i geisiadau am grant sy'n cael eu gwneud ar neu ar ôl 9 Chwefror 2004 i awdurdodau tai lleol yng Nghymru. Maent yn ganlyniad i newidiadau a wnaed i'r Ddeddf gan Orchymyn Diwygio Rheoleiddio (Cymorth Tai) Lloegr a Chymru 2002 (O.S. 2002/1860) (“Deddf 2002”) a chan Reoliadau Grantiau Adnewyddu Tai (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2004 (O.S. 2004/) (“Rheoliadau 2004”).

O ganlyniad i'r newidiadau a wnaed gan Orchymyn 2002 a Rheoliadau 2004, mae'r ffurflen ragnodedig yn cael ei diwygio gan y Rheoliadau hyn fel y bo'n gymwys yn unig i geisiadau (heblaw cais landlord) am grant tuag at gostau gwaith y mae ei angen i ddarparu cyfleusterau ar gyfer personau anabl.

Yn rhinwedd y newidiadau a wnaed i'r Ddeddf gan Orchymyn 2002, gall ceisiadau am grant gael eu gwneud bellach gan feddianwyr cychod preswyl cymwys a chartrefi parc cymwys ac mae'r Rheoliadau hyn yn diwygio'r ffurflen ragnodedig i adlewyrchu hyn. Ymhlith newidiadau eraill sy'n ganlyniad i Reoliadau 2004, mae'r Rheoliadau hyn yn diwygio'r ffurflen ragnodedig i gymryd i ystyriaeth gredydau treth newydd a gyflwynwyd drwy Ddeddf Credydau Treth 2002 a Deddf Credyd Pensiwn y Wladwriaeth 2002.


1996 p.53. Trosglwyddwyd swyddogaethau'r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol o dan yr adrannau hyn, i'r graddau y maent yn arferadwy mewn perthynas â Chymru, i Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru drwy Orchymyn Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru (Trosglwyddo Swyddogaethau) 1999 (O.S. 1999/672). Gweler yr eitem yn Atodlen 1 ar gyfer Deddf Grantiau Tai, Adeiladu ac Adfywio 1996.


I gael y diffiniad o “grant”, gweler adran 1 o'r Ddeddf fel y'i diwygiwyd gan baragraff 2 o Atodlen 3 i Orchymyn Diwygio Rheoleiddio (Cymorth Tai) (Lloegr a Chymru) 2002 (O.S. 2002/1860) (“Gorchymyn 2002”).


Mewnosodwyd Nodyn 47A gan O.S. 1997/978.


Mewnosodwyd Nodyn 84B gan O.S. 1999/3470.