
PART 3Administration

Staff of the Valuation Tribunal Service for Wales

18.—(1) Within one month of 3 January 2006, the Valuation Tribunal Service for Wales must appoint an Interim Chief Executive who will serve the Valuation Tribunal Service for Wales.

(2) The Interim Chief Executive will hold office until the person appointed under paragraph (3) takes office.

(3) Within three months of 3 February 2006, the Valuation Tribunal Service for Wales must appoint a Chief Executive who will serve the Valuation Tribunal Service for Wales.

(4) No appointments under paragraphs (1) or (3) will be valid unless they are made with the approval of the National Assembly for Wales.

(5) Within one month of 3 January 2006, the Valuation Tribunal Service for Wales must appoint an interim Clerk to each Valuation Tribunal.

(6) The interim Clerks will hold office until the persons appointed under paragraph (7) takes office.

(7) Within three months of 3 February 2006, the Valuation Tribunal Service for Wales must appoint a Clerk for each Valuation Tribunal.

(8) The Valuation Tribunal Service for Wales may appoint other employees as it so determines.

(9) The terms and conditions on which the interim Chief Executive, the Chief Executive, the interim Clerks, the Clerks and the other employees are appointed will be such as the Valuation Tribunal Service for Wales may determine.

(10) The Valuation Tribunal Service for Wales will pay to its employees such remuneration and allowances as it may determine.

(11) No determination under paragraph (10) will be valid unless made with the approval of the National Assembly for Wales.

(12) The functions of the interim Chief Executive, the Chief Executive, the interim Clerks and the Clerks appointed under paragraph (1), (3), (5) and (7) respectively, may be delegated to other employees of the Valuation Tribunal Service for Wales as the Valuation Tribunal Service for Wales so determines.

(13) Where at the expiry of the period specified in paragraphs (1), (3), (5) and (7) no appointments have taken place in accordance with the provisions of this regulation, the National Assembly for Wales may, after consultation with such members of the Governing Council as it sees fit, appoint an interim Chief Executive, Chief Executive, interim Clerks or Clerks as appropriate.


19.—(1) Subject to regulation 7 and 20 the functions of the Valuation Tribunal Service for Wales under these regulations may be performed on its behalf by two or more members of its Governing Council, who must, subject to paragraph (2), include the Director of the Governing Council.

(2) Where it is impracticable for the Director of the Governing Council to perform any of the Director’s functions under paragraph (1), that function will be performed by the deputy Director.

(3) The administration of the allowances of members of the Valuation Tribunals and the Governing Council and of the remuneration and allowances of the Valuation Tribunal Service for Wales’s employees will be the responsibility of the Chief Executive.

(4) In respect of any payment under regulation 17 the Chief Executive must keep a record for each Valuation Tribunal and the Governing Council of the name of the recipient and the amount and reason for the payment, and must permit any person authorised by the National Assembly for Wales to inspect and make copies of such records.

(5) In this regulation, “Chief Executive” (“Prif Weithredwr”) means an interim Chief Executive appointed under regulation 18(1) or a Chief Executive appointed under regulation 18(3).

Accommodation and equipment

20.—(1) The Valuation Tribunal Service for Wales must maintain a permanent office; and the Chief Executive will have the function on behalf of the Valuation Tribunal Service for Wales of making such arrangements as will secure that it has such other accommodation, and such secretarial and other equipment, as is sufficient for the performance of its functions.

(2) In this regulation, “Chief Executive” (“Prif Weithredwr”) means an interim Chief Executive appointed under regulation 18(1) or a Chief Executive appointed under regulation 18(3).

Use of public rooms

21.—(1) A President of a Valuation Tribunal, the Director of the Governing Council, the Chief Executive or a Clerk may request the permission of a county or county borough council in Wales for the use of any premises belonging to that council by a Valuation Tribunal or its members, a special Tribunal, the Governing Council, the Chief Executive, a Clerk or employees of the Valuation Tribunal Service for Wales, on such days as may be specified in the request.

(2) A council requested as provided in paragraph (1) must not unreasonably withhold the permission requested, and will be entitled to make reasonable charges in respect of such use.

(3) In this regulation—

“Chief Executive” (“Prif Weithredwr”) means an interim Chief Executive appointed under regulation 18(1) or a Chief Executive appointed under regulation 18(3);

“Clerk” (“Clerc”) means an interim Clerk appointed under regulation 18(5) or a Clerk appointed under regulation 18(7).