The Valuation Tribunals (Wales) Regulations 2005


24.—(1) Any reference in the following provisions of this Part—

(a)to a party to an appeal, includes the appellant and any person entitled in pursuance of this Part to be served with a copy of the appellant’s notice of appeal; and

(b)to a numbered section or Schedule is, unless the context otherwise requires, a reference to the section or Schedule so numbered in the 1992 Act.

(2) For the purposes of Part 5 of these Regulations, “Clerk” (“Clerc”), means—

(a)an interim Clerk or a Clerk appointed under regulation 18(5) and (7) respectively; and

(b)any other employee, of the Valuation Tribunal Service for Wales appointed under regulation 18(8) to which part or all of the functions of the Clerk in Part 5 of these Regulations have been delegated.