The Child Minding and Day Care (Wales) Regulations 2010

2.—(1) This paragraph applies to an individual who is applying for registration as a child minder.

(2) The applicant’s full name (and any alias or any former name), date of birth, address and telephone number.

(3) Details of the applicant’s professional or technical qualifications and experience, so far as such qualifications and experience are relevant to looking after children under the age of eight.

(4) Details of the applicant’s employment history, including—

(a)a full employment history, together with a satisfactory written explanation of any gaps in employment;

(b)where any previous employment or position has involved work with children, so far as reasonably practicable verification of the reason why the employment or position ended;

(c)the name and address of any present employer and, where relevant, of any previous employers.

(5) The name and address of two referees—

(a)who are not relatives of the applicant;

(b)each of whom is able to provide a reference as to the applicant’s competence to look after children under the age of eight; and

(c)where possible, one of whom is the applicant’s most recent employer.

(6) Details of any business that the applicant carries on or has carried on.