Staff disciplinary and dismissal committee and disciplinary and dismissal appeals committee
64.—(1) The following functions of the governing body of a federation must be delegated to a committee, to be known as the staff disciplinary and dismissal committee—
(a)where a federated school is a community, voluntary controlled or community special school, the initial determination under regulation 17(1) of the Staffing Regulations (as modified by Schedule 8) that any person employed by the local authority to work at the federation or federated school should cease to work there;
(b)where a federated school is a foundation, voluntary aided or foundation special school, the initial decision that a person employed to work at the federation or federated school should have his or her contract of employment with the governing body terminated or should not have his or her contract renewed (except where the dismissal is pursuant to a direction of the local authority under paragraph 7 of Part 2 of Schedule 2 to the 2002 Act); and
(c)the hearing of representations in relation to a decision which must be delegated under this paragraph.
(2) The hearing of any appeal in respect of a decision that must be delegated under paragraph (1) must be delegated to a committee, known as the disciplinary and dismissal appeals committee.
(3) The staff disciplinary and dismissal committee must include not less than three governors, but where allegations are made against a member of staff that involve issues of child protection the committee must include not less than two governors and an independent person who is not a governor.
(4) The disciplinary and dismissal appeals committee must include no fewer governors than the staff disciplinary and dismissal committee whose decision is subject to appeal and where allegations are made against a member of staff that involve issues of child protection the committee must include an independent person who was not involved in the staff disciplinary and dismissal committee’s decision.
(5) For the purposes of paragraphs (3) and (4) a person is to be regarded as independent in the following circumstances—
(a)where the person is not a governor of the federation or a federated school;
(b)where the person is not a parent of a current or former pupil at the federated school;
(c)where the person is not a current or former member of staff at the federation or the federated school in question;
(d)where the person is not currently employed by the local authority that maintains the federated school in question.
(6) The quorum for a meeting of the staff disciplinary and dismissal committee and the disciplinary and dismissal appeals committee and any vote on any matter at the committees is the same as the minimum requirements for the composition of those committees specified in this regulation.
(7) Where a disciplinary and dismissal appeals committee is considering an appeal against a decision of the staff disciplinary and dismissal committee, no member of the staff disciplinary and dismissal committee whose decision is subject to appeal may take part in the proceedings of the disciplinary and dismissal appeals committee.
(8) Neither the head teacher of the federation or a federated school nor an associate pupil governor may be a member of the staff disciplinary and dismissal committee or the disciplinary and dismissal appeal committee.
(9) No member of the staff disciplinary and dismissal committee or the disciplinary and dismissal appeals committee who is not a governor is entitled to vote in any proceedings of the committee in question, save for the independent member of each committee appointed in accordance with paragraph (3) or (4).