3.The Body
4.General purpose
5.Guidance with respect to the Body’s general purpose
5A.Nature conservation duties
5B.In exercising any function relating to nature conservation, the Body...
5C.Access and recreation duties
5D.Duties relating to historic sites
5E.Duties relating to well-being
5F.Duties of Welsh Ministers in relation to proposals relating to the Body's functions
5G.Recreation in relation to water and associated land
5H.Provision of facilities for recreation and other purposes
5I.The power of the Welsh Ministers under section 39 of...
5J.The power of the Welsh Ministers to make byelaws under...
6.Initial functions of the Body
7.(1) The Body must carry out its functions under article...
8.General duty of the Body to have regard to costs and benefits in exercising powers
8A.Cooperation with the Environment Agency
9.General incidental function of the Body
9A.Power to enter into agreements with local authorities and public bodies
10.Advice and assistance to Welsh Ministers
10A.Advice and assistance to others
10B.Financial assistance
10C.Research and experimental schemes
10D.Further provision about advice, assistance and research
10E.Criminal proceedings
11A.Further provisions about directions