

Convening meetings of the governing body

57.—(1) The governing body must hold at least one meeting during every school term.

(2) Meetings of the governing body must be convened by the clerk and, without prejudice to paragraph (3), in exercising this function the clerk must comply with any direction given by—

(a)the governing body; or

(b)the chair, so far as such direction is not inconsistent with any direction given under sub-paragraph (a).

(3) Any three members of the governing body may requisition a meeting by giving written notice to the clerk that includes a summary of the business to be transacted; and the clerk must convene a meeting as soon as is reasonably practicable.

(4) Subject to paragraphs (5), (6) and (7), the clerk must give written notice of the meeting, a copy of the agenda, and any reports or other papers to be considered at the meeting at least five clear working days in advance to—

(a)each governor;

(b)the head teacher of the federation or (if there is no head teacher of the federation) of a federated school (whether or not that person is a governor); and

(c)the local authority.

(5) Where the chair so determines, on the ground that there are matters demanding urgent consideration, it is sufficient if the written notice of the meeting states that fact and the notice, copy of the agenda, reports and other papers to be considered are given within such shorter period as that person directs.

(6) This paragraph applies in relation to any meeting at which—

(a)the removal of the chair or vice-chair from office;

(b)the suspension of any governor;

(c)the removal of a community governor or sponsor governor; or

(d)a decision to serve notice of discontinuance of a federated school under section 80 of the 2013 Act;

is to be considered.

(7) Where paragraph (6) applies—

(a)written notice of the meeting, a copy of the agenda and any reports or other papers to be considered at the meeting must be given at least seven clear working days in advance; and

(b)the power of the chair to direct that a meeting be held within a shorter period does not apply.

(8) The functions of the chair in this regulation may be exercised by the vice-chair in the absence of the chair or where there is a vacancy in the office of chair.

(9) A meeting of the governing body and its proceedings are not invalidated by reason of any person not having received written notice of the meeting or a copy of the agenda.