Safeguarding policies and procedures
19.—(1) The service provider must have policies and procedures in place—
(a)for the prevention of abuse, neglect and improper treatment, and
(b)for responding to any allegation or evidence of abuse, neglect or improper treatment.
(2) In this regulation, such policies and procedures are referred to as safeguarding policies and procedures.
(3) The service provider must ensure that their safeguarding policies and procedures are operated effectively.
(4) In particular, where there is an allegation or evidence of abuse, neglect or improper treatment, the service provider must—
(a)act in accordance with their safeguarding policies and procedures,
(b)take immediate action to ensure the safety of all individuals for whom support is provided,
(c)make appropriate referrals to other agencies, and
(d)keep a record of any evidence or the substance of any allegation, any action taken and any referrals made.