The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Public Health Information for Persons Travelling to Wales etc.) Regulations 2020

Regulations 3, 3A and 4


[F2Part 1E+W

The information to be provided for the purposes of regulations 3(2)(a)(i), 3(2)(b)(i), 3(2)(c)(i), 3A(4)(b)(i) and 3A(4)(c) is—

“Essential information to enter Wales from overseas

Take a PCR or LFD test within 2 days of departure to Wales. You must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test result when you depart for Wales from outside the CTA. This includes UK nationals and residents, and people who qualify as fully vaccinated. Read more about COVID-19 testing before you travel to Wales

Fill in your Passenger Locator Form up to 48 hours before arrival. You must declare all countries you have visited or transited through in the 10 days prior to your arrival on your Passenger Locator Form.

Before departure, check the list of red list countries, as the list can change regularly.

Red list passengers (including passengers who are fully vaccinated)

1. Book a managed quarantine package

2. Complete a Passenger Locator Form

You can only enter if you are a British or Irish National, or you have residency rights in the UK. You must enter through a designated port and quarantine in a government approved hotel for 10 days.

Unvaccinated passengers or passengers vaccinated with unauthorised vaccines who are not red list passengers

1. Book PCR tests for day 2 and day 8

2. Complete a Passenger Locator Form

3. Make plans to self-isolate in private accommodation for 10 full days after arrival (or full duration of stay if less than 10 days)

Fully vaccinated passengers who are not red list passengers

1. Book a PCR test to take on or before day 2

2. Complete a Passenger Locator Form

3. Self-isolate on arrival and until the result of your day 2 test is known. You may only leave self-isolation if the test is negative.

These measures apply to all persons (including UK nationals and residents) arriving in Wales from outside the common travel area comprising the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands. The British Overseas Territories are not in the common travel area. Public health requirements may vary depending upon in which nation of the UK you are staying.


Northern Ireland:

Scotland: covid-19-international-travelquarantine/pages/overview/


Failure to comply with these measures is a criminal offence and you could be fined. There are a limited set of exemptions from these measures. Check the list of exemptions carefully. You may be fined if you fraudulently claim an exemption."]

Part 2E+W

The statement to be provided for the purposes of regulation 4 is—

(a)Welsh language version—

“Dyma neges iechyd y cyhoedd ar ran asiantaethau iechyd y cyhoeddus y Deyrnas Unedig.

Os ydych wedi eich brechu’n llawn neu’n bodloni’r meini prawf cymhwystra mewn ffordd arall, rhaid ichi gymryd prawf PCR ar neu cyn diwrnod 2 ar ôl ichi gyrraedd. Rhaid ichi hunanynysu wrth gyrraedd a dim ond os yw canlyniad y prawf yn negyddol y caniateir ichi adael yr hunanynysiad.

Rhaid i deithwyr nad ydynt wedi eu brechu hunanynysu am 10 niwrnod a chymryd prawf ar ddiwrnod 8 ar ôl ichi gyrraedd.

Os ydych wedi bod mewn unrhyw wledydd ar y rhestr goch, neu wedi tramwyo drwy unrhyw wledydd o’r fath, o fewn y 10 niwrnod blaenorol, rhaid ichi fynd i gwarantin mewn cyfleuster cwarantin a reolir am y 10 niwrnod cyntaf ar ôl ichi gyrraedd a hefyd gymryd prawf arall 8 niwrnod ar ôl ichi gyrraedd.

Symptomau’r coronafeirws yw peswch cyson newydd, tymheredd uchel neu golli eich synnwyr blasu neu arogli arferol, neu newid yn eich synnwyr blasu neu arogli arferol. Os ydych yn profi unrhyw un o’r symptomau hyn, ni waeth pa mor ysgafn ydynt, fe’ch cynghorir i wneud eich hunan yn hysbys i’r criw.

Dilynwch y canllawiau Iechyd y Cyhoedd ar gyfer yr ardal yr ydych yn byw ynddi neu’n teithio ynddi.

Ewch i i gael rhagor o gyngor.”;

(b)English language version—

“The following is a public health message on behalf of the UK’s public health agencies.

If you are fully vaccinated or otherwise meet the eligibility criteria, you must take a PCR test on or before day 2 after you arrive. You must self-isolate on arrival and may only leave self-isolation if the result of the test is negative.

Unvaccinated passengers must self-isolate for 10 days and take a test on day 8 after you arrive.

If you have been in or transited through any countries on the red list within the previous 10 days, you must quarantine in a managed quarantine facility for the first 10 days after arrival and also take another test 8 days after arrival.

The symptoms of coronavirus are a new continuous cough, a high temperature or a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell. If you experience any of these symptoms, however mild, you are advised to make yourself known to the crew.

Please follow the Public Health guidance for the area you are living or travelling in. Visit for more advice.”;

(c)the statement in paragraph (a) or (b) translated into an officially recognised language of the country of departure.]