Rheoliadau Rheolaethau Swyddogol (Mewnforio Bwyd a Bwyd Anifeiliaid Risg Uchel Nad Ydynt yn Dod o Anifeiliaid) (Diwygio Rheoliad Gweithredu’r Comisiwn (EU) 2019/1793) (Cymru) 2022

Rheoliad 2(2)

ATODLEN 1Yr Atodiad i’w roi yn lle Atodiad 1 i Reoliad Gweithredu’r Comisiwn (EU) 2019/1793

ANNEX 1Food and feed of non-animal origin from certain third countries subject to a temporary increase of official controls at border control posts and control points

Country of originFood and feed (intended use)CN code (1)TARIC sub-divisionHazardFrequency of physical and identity checks (%)

Where only certain products under any CN code are required to be examined, the CN code is marked ‘ex’.


The sampling and the analyses must be performed in accordance with the sampling procedures and the analytical reference methods set out in point 1(a) of Annex III to this Regulation.


Residues of Triclopyr & Haloxyfop.


The sampling and the analyses must be performed in accordance with the sampling procedures and the analytical reference methods set out in point 1(b) of Annex III to this Regulation.


Residues of at least those pesticides listed in the control programme adopted in accordance with Article 29(2) of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council on maximum residue levels of pesticides in or on food and feed of plant and animal origin(1) that can be analysed with multi-residue methods based on GC-MS and LC-MS (pesticides to be monitored in/on products of plant origin only).


Residues of Tolfenpyrad.


Residues of Amitraz (amitraz including the metabolites containing the 2,4 -dimethylaniline moiety expressed as amitraz), Diafenthiuron, Dicofol (sum of p,p’ and o,p’ isomers) and Dithiocarbamates (dithiocarbamates expressed as CS2, including maneb, mancozeb, metiram, propineb, thiram and ziram).


Residues of Dicofol (sum of p,p’ and o,p’ isomers), Dinotefuran, Folpet, Prochloraz (sum of prochloraz, BTS 44595 (M201-04) and BTS 44596 (M201-03), expressed as prochloraz), Thiophanate-methyl and Triforine.


For the purposes of this Annex, ‘Sudan dyes’ refers to the following chemical substances: (i) Sudan I (CAS Number 842-07-9); (ii) Sudan II (CAS Number 3118-97-6); (iii) Sudan III (CAS Number 85-86-9); (iv) Scarlet Red or Sudan IV (CAS Number 85-83-6).


Residues of acephate.


Residues of Diafenthiuron.


Residues of Phenthoate.


Residues of Chlorbufam.


Residues of Formetanate (sum of formetanate and its salts expressed as formetanate (hydrochloride)) Prothiofos and Triforine.


Residues of chlorpyrifos/chlorpyrifos-methyl and fenbutatin oxide.


Residues of Prochloraz (sum of prochloraz, BTS 44595 (M201-04) and BTS 44596 (M201-03), expressed as prochloraz).


Residues of Diafenthiuron, Formetanate (sum of formetanate and its salts expressed as formetanate (hydrochloride)) and Thiophanate-methyl.


‘Unprocessed products’ as defined in Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the hygiene of foodstuffs(2).


‘Placing on the market’ and ‘final consumer’ as defined in Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safety.


The following reference methods may be used: (1) BS EN 1988-1:1998 “Foodstuffs. Determination of sulfite - Optimized Monier-Williams method”, published by the British Standards Institution on 15 June 1998 (ISBN 0 580 29239 8), available from the British Standards Institution at https://knowledge.bsigroup.com; (2) BS EN 1988-2:1998 “Foodstuffs. Determination of sulfite - Enzymatic method”, published by the British Standards Institution on 15 June 1998 (ISBN 0 580 29240 1), available from the British Standards Institution at https://knowledge.bsigroup.com; (3) ISO 5522:1981 “Fruits, vegetables and derived products — Determination of total sulphur dioxide content”, published by the International Organization for Standardization in September 1981, edition 1, available from the ISO at https://www.iso.org.


Residues of Dithiocarbamates (dithiocarbamates expressed as CS2, including maneb, mancozeb, metiram, propineb, thiram and ziram), Phenthoate and Quinalphos.

Bolivia (BO)

Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell

(Food and feed)

1202 41 00Aflatoxins50

Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled

(Food and feed)

1202 42 00

Peanut butter

(Food and feed)

2008 11 10

Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved

(Food and feed)

2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98

Groundnut flours and meals

(Food and feed)

ex1208 90 0020

Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil

(Food and feed)

2305 00 00
Brazil (BR)

Black pepper (Piper)

(Food – neither crushed nor ground)

ex0904 11 0010 Salmonella (2)50

Groundnuts (peanuts),

in shell

(Food and feed)

1202 41 00Aflatoxins10
Pesticide residues (3)20

Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled

(Food and feed)

1202 42 00

Peanut butter

(Food and feed)

2008 11 10

Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved

(Food and feed)

2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98

Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil

(Food and feed)

2305 00 00

Groundnut flours and meals

(Food and feed)

ex1208 90 0020
China (CN)

Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell

(Food and feed)

1202 41 00Aflatoxins10

Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled

(Food and feed)

1202 42 00

Peanut butter

(Food and feed)

2008 11 10

Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved

(Food and feed)

2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98

Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil

(Food and feed)

2305 00 00

Groundnut flours and meals

(Food and feed)

ex1208 90 0020

Sweet peppers ( Capsicum annuum)

(Food – crushed or ground)

ex0904 22 0011 Salmonella (4)20

Tea, whether or not flavoured


0902Pesticide residues (5) (6)20

Dominican Republic


Aubergines (Solanum


(Food – fresh or


0709 30 00Pesticide residues (5)20

Sweet peppers

( Capsicum annuum)

(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)

0709 60 10Pesticide residues (5) (7)50
0710 80 51

Peppers of the Capsicum species

(other than sweet)

(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)

ex0709 60 9920
ex0710 80 5920

Yardlong beans

( Vigna unguiculata

ssp. sesquipedalis,

Vigna unguiculata

ssp. unguiculata)

(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)

ex0708 20 0010
ex0710 22 0010
Egypt (EG)

Sweet peppers

( Capsicum annuum)

(Food – fresh, chilled

or frozen)

0709 60 10Pesticide residues (5) (8)20
0710 80 51

Peppers of the Capsicum species (other than sweet) (Food – fresh, chilled

or frozen)

ex0709 60 9920
ex0710 80 5920
Georgia (GE)

Hazelnuts ( Corylus spp.), in shell


0802 21 00Aflatoxins20

Hazelnuts ( Corylus spp.), shelled


0802 22 00

Flour, meal and

powder of hazelnuts


ex1106 30 9040

Hazelnuts, otherwise prepared or preserved


ex2008 19 1930
ex2008 19 9520
ex2008 19 9930
Ghana (GH)

Palm oil


1511 10 90Sudan dyes (9)50
1511 90 11
ex1511 90 1990
1511 90 99
India (IN)

Curry leaves (Bergera/

Murraya koenigii)

(Food – fresh,

chilled, frozen or


ex1211 90 8610Pesticide residues (5) (10)50


(Food – fresh,

chilled or frozen)

ex0709 99 9020Pesticide residues (5) (11)20
ex0710 80 9530
Kenya (KE)

Beans (Vigna spp.,

Phaseolus spp.)

(Food – fresh or chilled)

0708 20Pesticide residues (5)10
Cambodia (KH)

Chinese celery ( Apium graveolens)

(Food – fresh or

chilled herb)

ex0709 40 0020Pesticide residues (5) (12)50

Yardlong beans

( Vigna unguiculata

ssp. sesquipedalis,

Vigna unguiculata

ssp. unguiculata)

(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen vegetables)

ex0708 20 0010Pesticide residues (5) (13)50
ex0710 22 0010
Lebanon (LB)

Turnips ( Brassica rapa ssp. rapa)

(Food – prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid)

ex2001 90 9711; 19Rhodamine B50

Turnips ( Brassica rapa ssp. rapa)

(Food – prepared

or preserved by

brine or citric acid, not frozen)

ex2005 99 8093Rhodamine B50
Madagascar (MG)

Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell

(Food and feed)

1202 41 00Aflatoxins50

Groundnuts (peanuts),


(Food and feed)

1202 42 00

Peanut butter

(Food and feed)

2008 11 10

Groundnuts (peanuts),

otherwise prepared or


(Food and feed)

2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98

Groundnut flours and meals

(Food and feed)

ex1208 90 0020

Oilcake and other

solid residues, whether or not ground

or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil

(Food and feed)

2305 00 00
Malaysia (MY)

Jackfruit (Artocarpus


(Food – fresh)

ex0810 90 2020Pesticide residues (5)50
Nigeria (NG)

Sesamum seeds


1207 40 90 Salmonella (2)50
Pakistan (PK)

Spice mixes


0910 91 10Aflatoxins50
0910 91 90
Sierra Leone (SL)

Watermelon (Egusi,

Citrullus spp.) seeds and derived products


ex1207 70 0010Aflatoxins50
ex1208 90 0010
ex2008 99 9950
Senegal (SN)

Groundnuts (peanuts),

in shell

(Food and feed)

1202 41 00Aflatoxins50

Groundnuts (peanuts),


(Food and feed)

1202 42 00

Peanut butter

(Food and feed)

2008 11 10

Groundnuts (peanuts),

otherwise prepared or


(Food and feed)

2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98

Groundnut flours and


(Food and feed)

ex1208 90 0020

Oilcake and other

solid residues, whether or not ground

or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil

(Food and feed)

2305 00 00
Syria (SY)

Turnips ( Brassica rapa ssp. rapa)

(Food – prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid)

ex2001 90 9711; 19Rhodamine B50

Turnips ( Brassica rapa ssp. rapa)

(Food – prepared

or preserved by brine or citric acid, not frozen)

ex2005 99 8093Rhodamine B50
Thailand (TH)Food containing or consisting of betel leaves ( Piper betle) (Food)ex1404 90 00 Salmonella10

Peppers of the Capsicum species (other than sweet)

(Food – fresh,

chilled or frozen)

ex0709 60 9920Pesticide residues (5) (14)20
ex0710 80 5920
Turkey (TR)

Hazelnuts (Corylus

spp.) in shell


0802 21 00Aflatoxins5

Hazelnuts (Corylus

spp.), shelled


0802 22 00

Mixtures of nuts or

dried fruits containing



ex0813 50 3970
ex0813 50 9170
ex0813 50 9970

Hazelnut paste


ex2007 10 1070
ex2007 10 9940
ex2007 99 3905; 06
ex2007 99 5033
ex2007 99 9723

Hazelnuts, otherwise

prepared or preserved, including mixtures


ex2008 19 1230
ex2008 19 1930
ex2008 19 9230
ex2008 19 9520
ex2008 19 9930
ex2008 97 1215
ex2008 97 1415
ex2008 97 1615
ex2008 97 1815
ex2008 97 3215
ex2008 97 3415
ex2008 97 3615
ex2008 97 3815
ex2008 97 5115
ex2008 97 5915
ex2008 97 7215
ex2008 97 7415
ex2008 97 7615
ex2008 97 7815
ex2008 97 9215
ex2008 97 9315
ex2008 97 9415
ex2008 97 9615
ex2008 97 9715
ex2008 97 9815

Flour, meal and powder of hazelnuts


ex1106 30 9040

Hazelnut oil


ex1515 90 9920

Lemons ( Citrus limon, Citrus limonum)

(Food – fresh, chilled or dried)

0805 50 10Pesticide residues (5) (15)20

Mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas), clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids

(Food – fresh or dried)

0805 21Pesticide residues (5)20
0805 22
0805 29


(Food – fresh or dried)

0805 10Pesticide residues (5)20


(Food – fresh or


ex0810 90 7530Pesticide residues (5) (16)20

Sweet Peppers

( Capsicum annuum)

(Food – fresh,

chilled or frozen)

0709 60 10Pesticide residues (5) (17)20
0710 80 51

Peppers of the Capsicum species (other than sweet)

(Food – fresh,

chilled or frozen)

ex0709 60 9920Pesticide residues (5)20
ex0710 80 59


Unprocessed whole, ground, milled, cracked, chopped apricot kernels intended to be placed on the market for the final consumer(18)(19)


ex1212 99 9520Cyanide50
Uganda (UG)

Peppers of the Capsicum species (other than sweet)

(Food – fresh,

chilled or frozen)

ex0709 60 9920Pesticide residues (5)50
ex0710 80 5920
United States (US)

Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell

(Food and feed)

1202 41 00Aflatoxins10

Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled

(Food and feed)

1202 42 00

Peanut butter

(Food and feed)

2008 11 10

Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved

(Food and feed)

2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98

Groundnut flours and meals

(Food and feed)

ex1208 90 0020

Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil

(Food and feed)

2305 00 00
Uzbekistan (UZ)

Dried apricots


0813 10 00Sulphites (20)50

Apricots, otherwise prepared or preserved


2008 50
Vietnam (VN)

Coriander leaves

(Food – fresh or chilled herbs)

ex0709 99 9072Pesticide residues (5) (21)50

Basil (holy, sweet)

(Food – fresh or chilled herbs)

ex1211 90 8620


(Food – fresh or chilled herbs)

ex1211 90 8630

Parsle y

(Food – fresh or chilled herbs)

ex0709 99 9040


(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)

ex0709 99 9020Pesticide residues (5) (21)50
ex0710 80 9530

Peppers of the Capsicum species (other than sweet)

(Food – fresh,

chilled or frozen)

ex0709 60 9920Pesticide residues (5) (21)50
ex0710 80 5920

EUR 2005/396, amended by S.I. 2019/557. S.I. 2019/557 was amended by S.I. 2020/1376.


EUR 2004/852, amended by S.I. 2019/642; there are other amending instruments but none is relevant.