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Legislation by Defra Regulator
Legislation by Subject
Title | Year and Number | Legislation Type | Review Date |
The Plant Health (Forestry) (Phytophthora ramorum) (Great Britain) Order 2004 | 2004/3213 | UK Statutory Instruments | |
The Olive Oil (Marketing Standards) (Amendment) Regulations 2004 | 2004/2661 | UK Statutory Instruments | |
The Feedingstuffs (Zootechnical Products) and Medicated Feedingstuffs (Amendment) (England, Scotland and Wales) Regulations 2004 | 2004/1036 | UK Statutory Instruments | |
The Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (Solway Tweed River Basin District) Regulations 2004 | 2004/99 | UK Statutory Instruments | |
The Scallop Fishing Order 2004 | 2004/12 | UK Statutory Instruments |