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Your search for English language legislation from 1821 has returned 47 results.
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UK Local Acts (44)
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1821 (47)
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Alemouth and Hexham Road and Branch Act 1821
1821 c. lxxxiv
UK Local Acts
Roads from Tetbury, Frocester Hill and from Latterwood Act 1821
1821 c. lxxxiii
UK Local Acts
Gloucester to Bristol Road and Branches Act 1821
1821 c. lxxxii
UK Local Acts
Birmingham and Stratford-upon-Avon Road Act 1821
1821 c. lxxxi
UK Local Acts
Moses Gate District of Road (Lancashire) Act 1821
1821 c. lxxx
UK Local Acts
Keyberry Bridge, Shaldon and Torquay Roads Act 1821
1821 c. lxxix
UK Local Acts
Bolton and Westhoughton Chapel Road Act 1821
1821 c. lxxviii
UK Local Acts
London Institution Act 1821
1821 c. lxxvii
UK Local Acts
Cinque Ports Act 1821
1821 c. 76
UK Public General Acts
Ipswich Gas Act 1821
1821 c. lxxvi
UK Local Acts
Barnsley Gas Act 1821
1821 c. lxxv
UK Local Acts
Poplar Gas Act 1821
1821 c. lxxiv
UK Local Acts
Portsea Gas Act 1821
1821 c. lxxiii
UK Local Acts
Stepney Gas and Improvement Act 1821
1821 c. lxxii
UK Local Acts
Dudley Gas Act 1821
1821 c. lxxi
UK Local Acts
Nottingham Gas Act 1821
1821 c. lxx
UK Local Acts
Brentford Gas Act 1821
1821 c. lxix
UK Local Acts
Chichester Improvement Act 1821
1821 c. lxviii
UK Local Acts
St. Luke Chelsea Rates Act 1821
1821 c. lxvii
UK Local Acts
Belfast Commercial Buildings Act 1821
1821 c. lxvi
UK Local Acts
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