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Your search for English language legislation from 1920 has returned 69 results.

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Wear Navigation and Sunderland Dock (Finance) Act 19201920 c. cxlUK Local Acts
Royal Bank of Scotland Act 19201920 c. cxxxixUK Local Acts
Coatbridge Burgh Order Confirmation Act 19201920 c. cxxxviiiUK Local Acts
Alloa Water Order Confirmation Act 19201920 c. cxxxviiUK Local Acts
Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Widnes Extension) Act 19201920 c. cxxxviUK Local Acts
Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (New Windsor Extension) Act 19201920 c. cxxxvUK Local Acts
Mayor's and City of London Court Act 19201920 c. cxxxivUK Local Acts
Lever Brothers Limited (Wharves and Railways) Act 19201920 c. cxxxiiiUK Local Acts
North British and Mercantile Insurance Company's Act 19201920 c. cxxxiiUK Local Acts
Exmouth Urban District Council Act 19201920 c. cxxxiUK Local Acts
Uxbridge and Wycombe District Gas Act 19201920 c. cxxxUK Local Acts
Life Association of Scotland Act 19201920 c. cxxixUK Local Acts
Wallasey Corporation Act 19201920 c. cxxviiiUK Local Acts
Mid-Glamorgan Water Act 19201920 c. cxxviiUK Local Acts
Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Chesterfield Extension) Act 19201920 c. cxxviUK Local Acts
Pilotage Orders Confirmation (No. 3) Act 19201920 c. cxxivUK Local Acts
Aberdeen Corporation Order Confirmation Act 19201920 c. cxxiiiUK Local Acts
Land Drainage (Ouse) Provisional Order Confirmation Act 19201920 c. cxxiiUK Local Acts
Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No. 2) Act 19201920 c. cxxiUK Local Acts
Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No. 1) Act 19201920 c. cxxUK Local Acts

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