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Your search for English language legislation from 1953 has returned more than 200 results.

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London Hydraulic Power Act 19531953 c. viiiUK Local Acts
National Trust Act 19531953 c. viiUK Local Acts
City of London (Central Criminal Court) Act 19531953 c. viUK Local Acts
Repeal of Unnecessary Laws Act (Northern Ireland) 19531953 Chapter 5Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Rhoanglo Group Act 19531953 c. vUK Local Acts
University of Southampton Act 19531953 c. ivUK Local Acts
Summary Jurisdiction Act (Northern Ireland) 19531953 Chapter 3Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Diocesan Stipends Funds Measure 19531953 No. 2Church Measures
Forestry Act (Northern Ireland) 19531953 Chapter 2Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Regency Act 19531953 c. 1UK Public General Acts
Statute Law Revision Act (Northern Ireland) 19531953 Chapter 1Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
The Iron and Steel (Compensation to Officers and Servants) (No. 2) Regulations 19531953 No. 1849UK Statutory Instruments
The Iron and Steel Foundries Regulations, 19531953 No. 1464UK Statutory Instruments
The Consular Conventions (French Republic) Order 19531953 No. 1455UK Statutory Instruments
The Consular Conventions (Kingdom of Greece) Order 19531953 No. 1454UK Statutory Instruments
The British Transport Commission (Pensions of Employees) Regulations 19531953 No. 1445UK Statutory Instruments
The Airways Corporations (Radio, Navigating and Engineer Officers Pensions) Regulations, 19531953 No. 1296UK Statutory Instruments
British Transport Commission (Executives) Order 19531953 No. 1291UK Statutory Instruments
The Merchant Shipping Safety Convention (Singapore) No. 2 Order 19531953 No. 1219UK Statutory Instruments
The Merchant Shipping Safety Convention (Singapore) No.1 Order,19531953 No. 1218UK Statutory Instruments

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