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Your search for English language legislation from 1958 has returned more than 200 results.

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Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy Charities Scheme Confirmation Act 19581958 c. ixUK Local Acts
Tyne Improvement Act 19581958 c. viiiUK Local Acts
Manoeuvres Act 19581958 c. 7UK Public General Acts
Manchester Corporation Act 19581958 c. viiUK Local Acts
Mersey Docks and Harbour Board Act 19581958 c. viiUK Local Acts
Kent County Council Act 19581958 c. viUK Local Acts
Forth Road Bridge Order Confirmation Act 19581958 c. viUK Local Acts
Edinburgh Corporation Order Confirmation Act 19581958 c. vUK Local Acts
Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 19581958 c. ivUK Local Acts
Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge Order Confirmation Act 19581958 c. iiiUK Local Acts
Church Schools (Assistance by Church Commissioners) Measure 1958 (repealed 1.1.2001)1958 No. 2Church Measures
North of Scotland Electricity Order Confirmation Act 19581958 c. iiUK Local Acts
Armed Forces (Housing Loans) Act 19581958 c. 1UK Public General Acts
Church Funds Investment Measure 19581958 No. 1Church Measures
The Land Powers (Defence) Act (Inquiries) Rules 19581958 No. 2231UK Statutory Instruments
The Pensions Commutation Payment Regulations 19581958 No. 2195UK Statutory Instruments
The Slaughter of Animals (Prevention of Cruelty) Regulations 19581958 No. 2166UK Statutory Instruments
The Coast Protection (Variation of Excluded Waters) Regulations 19581958 No. 2146UK Statutory Instruments
The Superannuation (English Local Government and Northern Ireland) Interchange (Amendment) Rules 19581958 No. 2136UK Statutory Instruments
The British Wool Marketing Scheme (Directions) Order 19581958 No. 2126UK Statutory Instruments

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