Commission Decision of 18 December 2009 on the adoption of the Work Plan for 2010 for the implementation of the second programme of Community action in the field of health (2008-2013), on the selection, award and other criteria for financial contributions to the actions of this programme and Community payment to the WHO Framework Convention on tobacco control (notified under document C(2009) 10183) (2009/964/EU)

1.Content of the proposal (60 points, threshold 30 points)U.K.


Relevance of the content and expected results of the event in relation to the objectives and priorities described in the second Health Programme and its annual Work Plan (15 points)


Participation (15 points)

The applicant should describe the expected number and profile/function of the target participants in the event, making reference to distribution by Member State, organisation and type of expertise.


European dimension (15 points)

The conference should have a wide European Union dimension, with participation of representations from 10 or more countries participating in the second Health Programme,


Follow-up and evaluation methodology (15 points)

The applicants have to describe their dissemination strategy.

An adequate evaluation should be foreseen based on an evaluation plan with corresponding design, method, responsibilities and timing making use of indicators.