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Article 30U.K.General provision

The Staff Regulations and the Conditions of Employment and the rules adopted by agreement between the Union institutions for giving effect to the Staff Regulations and the Conditions of Employment shall apply to the staff of the Authority.

Article 31U.K.Executive Director

1.The Executive Director shall be engaged as a temporary agent of the Authority in accordance with point (a) of Article 2 of the Conditions of Employment.

2.The Executive Director shall be appointed by the Management Board from a list of candidates proposed by the Commission, following an open and transparent selection procedure. The selected candidate shall be invited to make a statement before the European Parliament and to answer questions from Members of Parliament. That exchange of views shall not unduly delay the appointment of the Executive Director.

3.For the purpose of concluding the contract with the Executive Director, the Authority shall be represented by the Chairperson of the Management Board.

4.The term of office of the Executive Director shall be five years. Before the end of that period, the Commission shall carry out an assessment that takes into account an evaluation of the Executive Director’s performance and the Authority’s future tasks and challenges.

5.The Management Board may, taking into account the assessment referred to in paragraph 4, extend the Executive Director’s term of office once by no more than five years.

6.An Executive Director whose term of office has been extended pursuant to paragraph 5 shall not participate in another selection procedure for the same post at the end of the overall period.

7.The Executive Director may be removed from office only upon a decision of the Management Board. In its decision, the Management Board shall take into account the Commission’s assessment of the Executive Director’s performance, as referred to in paragraph 4.

8.The Management Board shall reach decisions on the appointment, extension of the term of office or removal from office of the Executive Director on the basis of a majority of two-thirds of members with the right to vote.

Article 32U.K.National Liaison Officers

1.Each Member State shall designate one National Liaison Officer as a seconded national expert to the Authority and to work at its seat, pursuant to Article 33.

2.National Liaison Officers shall contribute to executing the tasks of the Authority, including by facilitating the cooperation and exchange of information set out in Article 7 and the support and coordination of inspections set out in Article 8. They shall also act as national contact points for questions from their Member States and relating to their Member States, either by answering those questions directly or by liaising with their national administrations.

3.National Liaison Officers shall be entitled to request and receive all relevant information from their Member States, as provided for by this Regulation, while fully respecting the national law or practice of their Member States, in particular as regards data protection and the rules on confidentiality.

Article 33U.K.Seconded national experts and other staff

1.In addition to the National Liaison Officers, the Authority may make use of other seconded national experts or other staff not employed by the Authority, in any areas of its work.

2.The Management Board shall adopt a decision laying down rules on the secondment of national experts, including National Liaison Officers.