The Ionising Radiations Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2017

  1. Introductory Text


    1. 1.Citation and commencement

    2. 2.Interpretation

    3. 3.Application

    4. 4.Duties under the Regulations


    1. 5.Notification of certain work

    2. 6.Registration of certain practices

    3. 7.Consent to carry out specified practices

    4. 8.Radiation risk assessments

    5. 9.Restriction of exposure

    6. 10.Personal protective equipment

    7. 11.Maintenance and examination of engineering controls etc and personal protective equipment

    8. 12.Dose limitation

    9. 13.Contingency plans


    1. 14.Radiation protection adviser

    2. 15.Information, instruction and training

    3. 16.Co-operation between employers


    1. 17.Designation of controlled or supervised areas

    2. 18.Local rules and radiation protection supervisors

    3. 19.Additional requirements for designated areas

    4. 20.Monitoring of designated areas


    1. 21.Designation of classified persons

    2. 22.Dose assessment and recording

    3. 23.Estimated and notional doses and special entries

    4. 24.Dosimetry for accidents etc

    5. 25.Medical surveillance

    6. 26.Investigation and notification of overexposure

    7. 27.Dose limitation for overexposed employees


    1. 28.Sealed sources and articles containing or embodying radioactive substances

    2. 29.Accounting for radioactive substances

    3. 30.Keeping and moving of radioactive substances

    4. 31.Notification of certain occurrences

    5. 32.Duties of manufacturers etc of articles for use in work with ionising radiation

    6. 33.Equipment used for medical exposure

    7. 34.Misuse of or interference with sources of ionising radiation


    1. 35.Duties of employees

    2. 36.Approval of dosimetry services

    3. 37.Defence on contravention

    4. 38.Exemption certificates

    5. 39.Application within the territorial sea

    6. 40.Modifications relating to the Ministry of Defence etc

    7. 41.Transitional provisions and savings

    8. 42.Modifications and revocation

  9. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Work not required to be notified under regulation 5

      1. 1.Work with ionising radiation is not required to be notified...

      2. 2.The criteria for the exemption from notification of work with...

      3. 3.Work with ionising radiation only meets the requirements of paragraph...

      4. 4.In paragraph 2(b), “found to be justified” has the meaning...

      5. 5.In this Schedule, “the chief inspector” has the meaning assigned...

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Consent to carry out a practice: indicative list of information

      1. 1.Responsibilities and organisational arrangements for protection and safety.

      2. 2.Staff competences, including information and training.

      3. 3.Design features of the facility and of radiation sources.

      4. 4.Anticipated occupational and public exposures in normal operation.

      5. 5.Safety assessment of the activities and the facility in order...

      6. 6.Emergency procedures.

      7. 7.Maintenance, testing, inspection and servicing so as to ensure that...

      8. 8.Management of radioactive waste and arrangements for the disposal of...

      9. 9.Management of disused sources.

      10. 10.Quality assurance.

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Dose limits

      1. PART 1 Classes of persons to whom dose limits apply

        1. 1.Employees and trainees of 18 years of age or above

        2. 2.Without prejudice to paragraph 1— (a) the limit on equivalent...

        3. 3.Trainees aged under 18 years

        4. 4.Without prejudice to paragraph 3— (a) the limit on equivalent...

        5. 5.Other persons

        6. 6.Paragraph 5 does not apply in relation to any person...

        7. 7.Without prejudice to paragraphs 5 and 6—

      2. PART 2

        1. 8.For the purposes of regulation 12(2), the limit on effective...

        2. 9.Without prejudice to paragraph 8— (a) the limit on equivalent...

        3. 10.The employer shall ensure that any employee in respect of...

        4. 11.An employer shall not put into effect a system of...

        5. 12.Where there is reasonable cause to believe that any employee...

        6. 13.An employer shall review the decision to put into effect...

        7. 14.Where as a result of a review undertaken pursuant to...

        8. 15.Where an employer puts into effect a system of dose...

        9. 16.In any case where— (a) the dose limits specified in...

        10. 17.In any case where, as a result of a review...

        11. 18.Any person who is aggrieved by the decision of the...

        12. 19.Chapter I of the Schedule to the Deregulation (Model Appeal...

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      Matters in respect of which a radiation protection adviser shall be consulted

      1. 1.The implementation of requirements as to controlled and supervised areas....

      2. 2.The prior examination of plans for installations and the acceptance...

      3. 3.The regular calibration of equipment provided for monitoring levels of...

      4. 4.The periodic examination and testing of engineering controls, design features,...

    5. SCHEDULE 5

      Particulars to be entered in the radiation passbook

      1. 1.Individual serial number of the passbook.

      2. 2.A statement that the passbook has been approved by the...

      3. 3.Date of issue of the passbook by the approved dosimetry...

      4. 4.The name, telephone number and mark of endorsement of the...

      5. 5.The name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the...

      6. 6.Full name (surname, forenames), date of birth, gender and national...

      7. 7.Date of the last medical review of the classified outside...

      8. 8.The relevant dose limits applicable to the classified outside worker...

      9. 9.The cumulative dose assessment in mSv for the year to...

      10. 10.In respect of services performed by the classified outside worker—...

    6. SCHEDULE 6

      Particulars to be contained in a health record

      1. The following particulars shall be contained in a health record...

    7. SCHEDULE 7

      Quantities and concentrations of radionuclides

      1. PART 1 Table of artificial radionuclides and naturally occurring radionuclides (which are processed for their radioactive, fissile or fertile properties)

      2. PART 2 Table of naturally occurring radionuclides (which are not processed for their radioactive, fissile or fertile properties)

      3. PART 3 Quantity and concentration ratios for more than one radionuclide

        1. 1.For the purpose of Regulation 2(4)— (a) the quantity ratio...

        2. 2.In any case where the isotopic composition of a radioactive...

      4. PART 4 Table of quantities of radioactive material defining high-activity sealed sources

    8. SCHEDULE 8

      Transitional provisions and savings

      1. 1.(1) In this Schedule— “the 2000 Regulations” means the Ionising...

      2. 2.(1) Any thing done, or having effect as if done,...

      3. 3.Where on or before 5th February 2018 an employer commences...

      4. 4.A person who carries out a registrable practice (within the...

      5. 5.A person who carries out a practice requiring consent under...

      6. 6.Where an employer has, in respect of an employee, applied...

      7. 7.In paragraph 6 the deemed approval granted by that paragraph...

      8. 8.A radiation passbook approved for the purposes of the 2000...

      9. 9.Where a superseded provision provides a period of time within...

    9. SCHEDULE 9


      1. 1.The Employment (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Northern Ireland) Order 1990

      2. 2.The Employment Rights (Northern Ireland) Order 1996

      3. 3.Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1993

      4. 4.Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1997

      5. 5.Health and Safety (Enforcing Authority) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1999

      6. 6.The Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001

      7. 7.The High-activity Sealed Radioactive Sources and Orphan Sources Regulations 2005

      8. 8.The REACH Enforcement Regulations 2008

      9. 9.The Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2010

      10. 10.The Health and Safety (Fees) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2012

      11. 11.The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2016

    10. SCHEDULE 10

      Premises and activities within the territorial sea or a designated area

      1. 1.Interpretation

      2. 2.Offshore installations

      3. 3.Wells

      4. 4.Pipelines

      5. 5.Mines

      6. 6.Gas Importation and Storage

      7. 7.Production of Energy from Water or Wind

      8. 8.Underground Coal Gasification

      9. 9.Other activities

  10. Explanatory Note