
Regulations 10(3) and 11(3)

SCHEDULE 5Information to be included in emergency plans

PART 1Information to be included in an operator’s emergency plan

1.  The information referred to in regulation 10(3) is as follows—

(a)the arrangements to set emergency procedures in motion;

(b)the arrangements to co-ordinate the on-site mitigatory action;

(c)the name or position of the person with responsibility for liaison with the Executive;

(d)for conditions or events which could be significant in bringing about a radiation emergency, a description of the action which should be taken to control the conditions or events and to limit their consequences, including a description of the safety equipment and resources available;

(e)the arrangements for limiting the risks to persons on the premises including how warnings are to be given and the protective action persons are expected to take on receipt of a warning;

(f)the arrangements for providing early warning of the incident to the emergency services, identified in the off-site emergency plan to set the off-site emergency planning in motion, the type of information which should be contained in an initial warning and the arrangements for the provision of more detailed information as it becomes available;

(g)the arrangements for providing assistance to the Executivewith its off-site protective action;

(h)the arrangements for providing information about the incident to the Executive;

(i)the arrangements for dealing with emergency exposures including the dose levels which have been determined as appropriate for the purposes of putting into effect the emergency plan;

(j)the arrangements to prioritise keeping doses within the reference levels set out in regulation 19(1);

(k)any specific arrangements which take account of lessons learned from past emergency situations, whether at the operator’s premises or otherwise;

(l)what protective action is proposed to be taken, and how far each such action extends within any detailed emergency planning zone; and

(m)the arrangements which the operator considers may assist in the transition from a radiation emergency to an existing exposure situation, including who will be involved in such transition, what information they are to receive and when.

PART 2Information to be included in the off-site emergency plan

CHAPTER 1Information about detailed emergency planning zones

2.  The information referred to in regulation 11(3)(a) is as follows—

(a)the arrangements to set emergency procedures in motion;

(b)the arrangements to co-ordinate the off-site protective action;

(c)the arrangements for receiving early warning of incidents, and alert and call-out procedures;

(d)the arrangements for co-ordinating resources necessary to implement the off-site emergency plan;

(e)the arrangements for providing assistance to the operator with on-site mitigatory action;

(f)the arrangements for off-site protective action;

(g)the arrangements for providing the public with specific information relating to the emergency and the response or responses recommended to the public as a whole or parts of it as a result of the emergency;

(h)the arrangements for dealing with emergency exposures including the dose levels which have been determined as appropriate for the purposes of putting into effect the emergency plan;

(i)the arrangements to prioritise keeping the doses within the reference levels set out at regulation 19(1);

(j)any specific arrangements which take account of lessons learned from past emergency situations, whether at the operator’s premises or otherwise;

(k)the arrangements for carrying out an assessment of the impacts of the radiation; and

(l)the arrangements which the Executive considers necessary in the transition from a radiation emergency to an existing exposure situation, including who will be involved in such a transition and what information they are to receive.

CHAPTER 2Information about outline planning zones

3.  The information referred to in regulation 11(3)(b) is as follows—

(a)where there is no detailed emergency planning zone, the information set out at paragraph 2; and

(b)in all cases—

(i)at what stage and how the response to a radiation emergency triggers a response within the outline planning zone; and

(ii)whether there are any areas of detailed planning within the outline planning zone and, if so, the detailed planning arrangements in respect of any such area.

4.  In paragraph 3(b)(ii), an area of detailed planning within the outline planning zone means an area within which a greater degree of planning is necessary as a result of the existence of particular factors such as schools or hospitals within that area.

CHAPTER 3Information which an off-site emergency plan shall contain

5.  In order to comply with regulation 11(3)(c) an off-site emergency plan shall—

(a)set out the extent of the detailed emergency planning zone (if any) and the outline planning zone (if any);

(b)in respect of the detailed emergency planning zone, set out—

(i)the severity of the consequences in terms of dose quantity; and

(ii)the extent to which the consequences can be mitigated by timely action;

(c)set out how the off-site emergency plan aims to mitigate the consequences of an emergency, in response to the factors listed at (b); and

(d)set out the process for determining when the site and the surrounding area is no longer in an emergency state.