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Your search for English language Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders from 1931 with a subject starting with C has returned 7 results.

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TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type

Cinematograph : Safety Regulations

The Cinematograph Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19311931 No. 24Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Civil Authorities (special Powers)

The Military Exercise and Drill Order (Northern Ireland) 19311931 No. 120Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Unlawful Associations Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19311931 No. 85Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders


The Constabulary (Acquisition of Land) (County Court) Rules (Northern Ireland) 19311931 No. 82Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Royal Ulster Constabulary Pay (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 19311931 No. 44Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Contrebutory Pensions

The Contributory Pensions (Patients of Unsound Mind) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19311931 No. 148Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Contributory Pensions

The Contributory Pensions (Oversea Claims) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19311931 No. 130Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

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