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Your search for English language Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders from 1939 with a subject starting with P has returned 9 results.

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TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type

Petty Sessions: Districts and Times of Holding

The Petty Sessions: Districts and Times of Holding Order (Northern Ireland) 19391939 No. 164Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Postpnement of Certain Requirements.

The Factories (Postponement of Certain Requirements) Order (Northern Ireland) 19391939 No. 74Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders


The Black Scab in Potatoes Order (Northern Ireland) 19391939 No. 159Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Potato Marketing Scheme (Approval) Order (Northern Ireland) 19391939 No. 110Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Premises : Registration

The Milk and Milk Products (Registration of Premises) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19391939 No. 37Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Prevention and Relief of Distress

The Unemployment Assistance (Prevention and Relief of Distress) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19391939 No. 143Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders


The Prisons (Appointment for Particular Localities) Order (Northern Ireland) 19391939 No. 166Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Protection of Eyes

The Factories (Protection of Eyes) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19391939 No. 75Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Public Health

The Public Health (Preservatives, etc. in Food) Amendment Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19391939 No. 178Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

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