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Your search for English language Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders from 1956 with a subject starting with W has returned 19 results.

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Wages Council

The Linen and Cotton Handkerchief and Household Goods and Linen Piece Goods Wages Council (Northern Ireland) Wages Regulations Order (Northern Ireland) 19561956 No. 57Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Sugar Confectionery and Food Preserving Wages Council (Northern Ireland) Wages Regulations (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 19561956 No. 166Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Wages Councils

The Aerated Waters Wages Council (Northern Ireland) Wages Regulations (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 19561956 No. 98Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Baking Wages Council (Northern Ireland) Wages Regulations (Amendment) (No. 6) Order (Northern Ireland) 19561956 No. 179Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Boot and Shoe Repairing Wages Council (Northern Ireland) Wages Regulations (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 19561956 No. 45Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Brush and Broom Wages Council (Northern Ireland) Wages Regulations (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 19561956 No. 46Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Dressmaking and Women's Light Clothing Wages Council (Northern Ireland) Regulations (Amendment) (No. 1) Order (Northern Ireland) 19561956 No. 14Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Dressmaking and Women's Light Clothing Wages Council (Northern Ireland) Regulations (Amendment) (No. 2) Order (Northern Ireland) 19561956 No. 17Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The General Waste Materials Reclamation Wages Council (Northern Ireland) Wages Regulations (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 19561956 No. 62Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Hat, Cap and Millinery Wages Council (Northern Ireland) Wages Regulations (No. 2) Order (Northern Ireland) 19561956 No. 54Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Laundry Wages Council (Northern Ireland) Wages Regulations Order (Northern Ireland) 19561956 No. 89Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Readymade and Wholesale Bespoke Tailoring Wages Council (Northern Ireland) Wages Regulations (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 19561956 No. 206Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Road Haulage Wages Council (Northern Ireland) Wages Regulations (Amendment) (No. 2) Order (Northern Ireland) 19561956 No. 172Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Rope, Twine and Net Wages Council (Northern Ireland) Wages Regulations (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 19561956 No. 102Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Weights and Measures

The Weights and Measures (Verification and Stamping Fees) Order (Northern Ireland) 19561956 No. 132Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Wholesale Mantle and Costume

The Wholesale Mantle and Costume Wages Council (Northern Ireland) Wages Regulations Order (Northern Ireland) 19561956 No. 205Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Widow's Benefit

The National Insurance (Widow's Benefit and Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19561956 No. 138Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Workmen's Compensation

The Workmen's Compensation (Supplementation) Commencement Order (Northern Ireland) 19561956 No. 121Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Workmen's Compensation (Supplementation) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19561956 No. 127Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

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