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Your search for English language Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders from 1970 with a subject starting with C has returned 34 results.

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TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type

Census of Population

The Census of Population Order (Northern Ireland) 19701970 No. 89Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Census of Population Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19701970 No. 182Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Children and Young Persons

The Attendance Centre Rules (Northern Ireland) 19701970 No. 96Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Civil Authorities (special Powers) Acts (northern Ireland) 1922-43

The Civil Authorities (Special Powers) Acts (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19701970 No. 214Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Civil Authorities (Special Powers) Acts Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19701970 No. 198Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Civil Defence

The Civil Defence (Compensation) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19701970 No. 48Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Clean Air

The Smoke Control Areas (Exempted Fireplaces) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19701970 No. 222Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Coal and other Mines

The Coal and Other Mines (Abandonment Plans) Rules (Northern Ireland) 19701970 No. 134Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Coal and Other Mines (Electricity) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19701970 No. 130Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Coal and Other Mines (Fire and Rescue) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19701970 No. 129Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Coal and Other Mines (First-Aid) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19701970 No. 131Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Coal and Other Mines (General Duties and Conduct) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19701970 No. 133Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Coal and Other Mines (Managers and Officials) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19701970 No. 128Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Coal and Other Mines (Mechanics and Electricians) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19701970 No. 139Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Coal and Other Mines (Precautions against Inrushes) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19701970 No. 127Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Coal and Other Mines (Safety-Lamps and Lighting) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19701970 No. 138Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Coal and Other Mines (Sanitary Conveniences) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19701970 No. 136Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Coal and Other Mines (Shafts, Outlets and Roads) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19701970 No. 132Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Coal and Other Mines (Steam Boilers) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19701970 No. 137Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Coal and Other Mines (Surveyors and Plans) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19701970 No. 135Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

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