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Your search for English language Secondary Legislation from 1936 with a subject starting with P has returned 16 results.

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Part Year Licensing

The Road Vehicles (Part Year Licensing) Order (Northern Ireland) 19361936 No. 53Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders


The Petroleum (Compressed Gases) Order (Northern Ireland) 19361936 No. 78Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Petty Sessions : Districts and Times of Holding

The Petty Sessions: Districts and Times of Holding Order (Northern Ireland) 19361936 No. 131Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Petty Sessions: Districts and Times of Holding Order (Northern Ireland) 19361936 No. 87Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Pharmacy and Poisons

The Pharmacy and Poisons Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19361936 No. 30Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Pig Industry : Form of Curers' Returns

The Marketing of Pigs (Form of Curers' Returns) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19361936 No. 174Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Pig Industry : Grading

The Pigs Marketing (Grading) Order (Northern Ireland) 19361936 No. 176Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Pig Industry : Pig Industry Council

The Pig Industry Council (Terms and Conditions of Office of Members) Rules (Northern Ireland) 19361936 No. 79Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Pooling Scheme

The Road and Railway Transport (Pooling Scheme) Order (Northern Ireland) 19361936 No. 82Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Poor Law

The Poor Law: Security of Officers Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19361936 No. 51Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders


The Marketing of Potatoes No. 2 Rules (Northern Ireland) 19361936 No. 108Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Marketing of Potatoes Rules (Northern Ireland) 19361936 No. 20Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Probation Officers

The Probation Rules (Northern Ireland) 19361936 No. 19Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Public Elementary Schools : Regulations

The Public Elementary Schools Regulations 1934 Amending No. 2 Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19361936 No. 159Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Public Health

The Public Health (Immunisation against Diphtheria) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19361936 No. 29Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Public Health (Shell-fish) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19361936 No. 52Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

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