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Your search for English language Secondary Legislation from 1937 has returned 129 results.

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    Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) (Leicester Cheese) Regulations 19371937 No. 1020UK Statutory Rules and Orders
    Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) (Wensleydale Cheese) Regulations 19371937 No. 975UK Statutory Rules and Orders
    Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) (Canned Vegetables) Regulations 19371937 No. 912UK Statutory Rules and Orders
    Certificates of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Requisition) Regulations 19371937 No. 885UK Statutory Rules and Orders
    Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) (Lancashire Cheese) Regulations 19371937 No. 876UK Statutory Rules and Orders
    Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) (Fruit Products) Regulations 19371937 No. 788UK Statutory Rules and Orders
    Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) (Wheat Flour and Wheat Flakes) Regulations 19371937 No. 711UK Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Grey Squirrels (Prohibition of Importation and Keeping) Order,19371937 No. 478UK Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Butter and Margarine (Sales) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19371937 No. 157Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Civil Authorities (Special Powers) Refusal to Recognise Court Order (Northern Ireland) 19371937 No. 156Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Unemployment Insurance (Special Arrangements) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19371937 No. 149Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Unemployment Insurance (Contributions) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19371937 No. 148Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Road and Railway Transport: Acquisition of Undertakings Order (Northern Ireland) 19371937 No. 147Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The National Health Insurance (Sickness Visitation) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19371937 No. 145Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Non-Contributory Old Age Pensions Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19371937 No. 144Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Petty Sessions: Districts and Times Order (Northern Ireland) 19371937 No. 142Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Summary Jurisdiction (Petty Sessions Districts) (No. 3) Order (Northern Ireland) 19371937 No. 141Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Contributory Pensions (Procedure on References) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19371937 No. 140Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Contributory Pensions (Calculation of Contributions) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19371937 No. 137Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Contributory Pensions (Determination of Income) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19371937 No. 136Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

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