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Your search for English language Secondary Legislation from 1951 with a subject starting with R has returned 16 results.

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TitleYears and NumbersSort ascending by Legislation type

Readymade and Wholesale Bespoke Tailoring Wages Council

The Readymade and Wholesale Bespoke Tailoring Wages Council (Northern Ireland) Wages Regulations Order (Northern Ireland) 19511951 No. 85Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Registration and Licensing

The Road Vehicles (Registration and Licensing) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19511951 No. 164Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Registration Expenses and Remuneration of Officers

The Electoral (Registration Expenses) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19511951 No. 180Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders


The Dangerous Drugs (No. 2) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19511951 No. 195Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Dangerous Drugs Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19511951 No. 65Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Representative Body

The Royal Ulster Constabulary Representative Body Rules (Northern Ireland) 19511951 No. 146Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Reserve and Auxilary Force

The Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Protection of Friendly Society Life Policies) Regulations 19511951 No. 1408UK Statutory Instruments

Reserve and Auxiliary Forces

The Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Protection of Civil Interests) Rules 19511951 No. 1401UK Statutory Instruments
The Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Protection of Industrial Assurance &c. Policies) Regulations 19511951 No. 1407UK Statutory Instruments

Residence and Persons Abroad Amendment Regulations (northern Ireland)

The National Insurance (Residence and Persons Abroad) Amendment Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19511951 No. 39Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Return of Hospital Endowments

The Health Services (Return of Hospital Endowments) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19511951 No. 196Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Road Vehicles

The Road Vehicles (Enniskillen County Fermanagh) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19511951 No. 213Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders


The Trunk Roads (Designation of Routes) (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Order (Northern Ireland) 19511951 No. 218Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Royal Ulster Constabulary

The Royal Ulster Constabulary Pay (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 19511951 No. 127Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Royal Ulster Constabulary Reward Fund Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19511951 No. 223Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Ryegrass Seed

The Marketing of Ryegrass Seed Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19511951 No. 159Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

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