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Your search for English language Secondary Legislation from 2003 with a subject starting with A has returned 167 results.

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Agriculture, Wales

The Feeding Stuffs, the Feeding Stuffs (Sampling and Analysis) and the Feeding Stuffs (Enforcement) (Amendment) (Wales) (No.2) Regulations 20032003 No. 3119 (W. 297)Wales Statutory Instruments
Rheoliadau Porthiant, Porthiant (Samplu a Dadansoddi) a Phorthiant (Gorfodi) (Diwygio) (Cymru) (Rhif 2) 2003
The Feeding Stuffs, the Feeding Stuffs (Sampling and Analysis) and the Feeding Stuffs (Enforcement) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 20032003 No. 1850 (W. 200)Wales Statutory Instruments
Rheoliadau Porthiant, Porthiant (Samplu a Dadansoddi) a Phorthiant (Gorfodi) (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2003
The Pig Industry Restructuring Grant (Wales) (Variation) Scheme 20032003 No. 2726 (W. 261)Wales Statutory Instruments
Cynllun Grantiau Ailstrwythuro'r Diwydiant Moch (Cymru) (Amrywio) 2003
The Products of Animal Origin (Third Country Imports) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 20032003 No. 976 (W. 135)Wales Statutory Instruments
Rheoliadau Cynhyrchion sy'n Deillio o Anifeiliaid (Mewnforion Trydydd Gwledydd) (Cymru) (Diwygio) 2003
The Sheep Annual Premium (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 20032003 No. 151 (W. 21)Wales Statutory Instruments
Rheoliadau Premiwm Blynyddol Defaid (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2003
The Tir Gofal (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 20032003 No. 529 (W. 74)Wales Statutory Instruments
Rheoliadau Tir Gofal (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2003

Animal Health

The Pigs (Records, Identification and Movement) (Interim Measures) (England) (No. 2) (Amendment) Order 20032003 No. 28UK Statutory Instruments


African Swine Fever Order (Northern Ireland) 20032003 No. 494Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
Animal By-Products Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20032003 No. 495Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
Blue Tongue Order (Northern Ireland) 20032003 No. 55Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
Classical Swine Fever Order (Northern Ireland) 20032003 No. 425Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
Diseases of Poultry (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 20032003 No. 401Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
Products of Animal Origin (Third Country Imports) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2003 (revoked)2003 No. 215Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
Registration of Establishments (Laying Hens) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20032003 No. 538Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The African Swine Fever (Scotland) Order 2003 (revoked)2003 No. 586Scottish Statutory Instruments
The Animal By-Products (Scotland) Regulations 2003 (revoked)2003 No. 411Scottish Statutory Instruments
The Bluetongue (Scotland) Order 20032003 No. 91Scottish Statutory Instruments
The Classical Swine Fever (Scotland) Order 2003 (revoked)2003 No. 426Scottish Statutory Instruments
The Disease Control (Interim Measures) (Scotland) Amendment Order 20032003 No. 228Scottish Statutory Instruments
The Diseases of Animals (Approved Disinfectants) Amendment (Scotland) Order 20032003 No. 334Scottish Statutory Instruments

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