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Your search for English language Secondary Legislation from 2009 with a subject starting with LOCAL+GOVERNMENT,+ENGLAND has returned 26 results.

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    TitleYears and NumbersSort ascending by Legislation type
    The Accounts and Audit (Amendment No. 2) (England) Regulations 20092009 No. 3322UK Statutory Instruments
    The City of Stoke-on-Trent (Scheme of Elections) Order 20092009 No. 2734UK Statutory Instruments
    The Business Rate Supplements (Transfers to Revenue Accounts) (England) Regulations 20092009 No. 2543UK Statutory Instruments
    The Business Rate Supplements (Rateable Value Condition) (England) Regulations 20092009 No. 2542UK Statutory Instruments
    The Local Government (Best Value Authorities) (Power to Trade) (England) Order 20092009 No. 2393UK Statutory Instruments
    The Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (England) (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 20092009 No. 2272UK Statutory Instruments
    The Business Rate Supplements Act 2009 (Commencement No. 1) (England) Order 20092009 No. 2202 (C. 96)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Local Authorities (Overview and Scrutiny Committees) (England) Regulations 20092009 No. 1919UK Statutory Instruments
    The Audit Commission for Local Authorities and the National Health Service in England (Specified Organisations) (England) Order 20092009 No. 1360UK Statutory Instruments
    The Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 (Commencement No. 1) (England) Order 20092009 No. 959 (C. 58)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Cornwall (Electoral Arrangements and Consequential Amendments) Order 20092009 No. 850UK Statutory Instruments
    The Local Government (Structural Changes) (Miscellaneous Amendments and Other Provision) Order 20092009 No. 837UK Statutory Instruments
    The Local Authorities’ Plans and Strategies (Disapplication) (England) (Amendment) Order 20092009 No. 714UK Statutory Instruments
    The County of Wiltshire (Electoral Changes) Order 20092009 No. 531UK Statutory Instruments
    The County of West Sussex (Electoral Changes) Order 20092009 No. 530UK Statutory Instruments
    The County of Shropshire (Electoral Changes) Order 20092009 No. 529UK Statutory Instruments
    The Local Government (Structural Changes) (Further Transitional Arrangements and Staffing) Regulations 20092009 No. 486UK Statutory Instruments
    The Accounts and Audit (Amendment) (England) Regulations 20092009 No. 473UK Statutory Instruments
    The Charter Trustees Regulations 20092009 No. 467UK Statutory Instruments
    The Exercise of Functions by Local Councillors (Written Records) Regulations 20092009 No. 352UK Statutory Instruments

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