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Your search for English language Secondary Legislation with a subject starting with U has returned more than 200 results.

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Ulster College (amending) Regulations

The Ulster College (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19711971 No. 272Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Ulster College (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19721972 No. 150Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Ulster College Act (northern Ireland) 1968

The Ulster College Act (Appointed Day) Order (Northern Ireland) 19711971 No. 84Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Ulster College Act (Appointed Day) Order (Northern Ireland) 19721972 No. 231Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Ulster College Regulations

The Ulster College Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19691969 No. 74Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Ulster Development Bonds

The 81/2% Ulster Development Bonds (Second Conversion Issue) Order (Northern Ireland) 19761976 No. 181Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The 81/2% Ulster Development Bonds (Second Issue) Order (Northern Ireland) 19761976 No. 180Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The 9% Ulster Development Bonds (Second Conversion Issue) Order (Northern Ireland) 19781978 No. 257Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The 9% Ulster Development Bonds (Second Issue) Order (Northern Ireland) 19781978 No. 256Northern Ireland Statutory Rules

Ulster Folk Museum

The Ulster Folk Museum (Appointed Day) Order (Northern Ireland) 19581958 No. 154Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Ulster Folk Museum (Approval of Bye-Laws) Order (Northern Ireland) 19661966 No. 97Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Ulster Folk Museum (amendment) Act (northern Ireland) 1967

The Ulster Folk Museum (Amendment) Act (Appointed Day) Order (Northern Ireland) 19671967 No. 160Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Ulster Loan Stock

The Ulster Loans Stock, Warrant Creating Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19271927 No. 72Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Ulster Loans Stock

The Ulster Loans 4 1⁄2% Stock (Redemption and Conversion) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19451945 No. 45Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Ulster Loans Stock, Bank where Transferable Order (Northern Ireland) 19251925 No. 107Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Ulster Loans Stook

The Ulster Loans Stock, Warrant Creating £2 million Order (Northern Ireland) 19251925 No. 106Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Ulster Museum

The Ulster Museum (Appointed Day) Order (Northern Ireland) 19621962 No. 11Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Ulster Museum (Approval of Bye-Laws) Order (Northern Ireland) 19631963 No. 193Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Ulster Museum (Approval of Bye-Laws) Order (Northern Ireland) 19711971 No. 181Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Ulster Polytechnic

The Ulster Polytechnic Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19781978 No. 279Northern Ireland Statutory Rules

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