
Explanatory Note

(This Note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations make provisions as to the procedures that local traffic authorities have to follow prior to designating as a home zone any road for which it is the traffic authority.

Regulation 3 specifies classes of road that may be designated.

Regulations 4 and 5 detail the consultation procedures to be followed prior to making a designation.

Regulation 6 and Schedules 1, 2 and 3 specify where the proposals are to be published following a consultation, the content of the proposals and where they will be available for public inspection.

Regulations 7 to 11 specify the procedures for dealing with objections and hearing of objections.

Regulation 12 provides where an objection has been made and a hearing held no designation can be made unless the designation is first confirmed by the Scottish Ministers.

Regulation 13 requires that the authority keep a map in accordance with the requirements of Schedule 4.

Regulation 14 specifies the procedure that the authority has to follow when the designation has been made.

Regulation 15 provides the details of the procedure to be followed when varying or revoking designations.

Regulation 16 provides further details in relation to reports which are required under section 74(3) of the Act.