The Loch Sligachan, Isle of Skye, Scallops Several Fishery Order 2013

Article 1(2)


This schedule has no associated Policy Notes

That part of the bed of the sea in Loch Sligachan, Isle of Skye, extending to 31.3 hectares or thereby and bounded as follows—

  • on or towards the east by a straight line extending in a generally southerly direction from a point at 57°19.114′ North latitude and 06°06.979′ West longitude to a point at 57°18.864′ North latitude and 06°06.948′ West longitude;

  • then on or towards the south by a line extending in a generally westerly direction following the line of mean low water springs to a point at 57°18.682′ North latitude and 06°07.463′ West longitude;

  • then on or towards the west by a straight line extending in a generally northerly direction to a point at 57°18.950′ North latitude and 06°07.578′ West longitude;

  • then on or towards the north by a line extending in a generally easterly direction following the line of mean low water springs to the point of beginning.