The First-tier Tribunal for Scotland General Regulatory Chamber Parking and Bus Lane Cases and Upper Tribunal for Scotland (Composition) Regulations 2020


(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations make provision as to the composition of the General Regulatory Chamber of the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland when dealing with parking cases and bus lane cases. They also make provision as to the composition of the Upper Tribunal for Scotland when hearing such cases.

The First-tier Tribunal for Scotland and the Upper Tribunal for Scotland are known collectively as the Scottish Tribunals. The Scottish Tribunals were established by the Tribunals (Scotland) Act 2014. The First-tier Tribunal is divided into chambers according to the subject matter of the case, with the General Regulatory Chamber dealing with a range of diverse matters including parking cases and bus lane cases. The Tribunals (Scotland) Act 2014 provides for various membership types, i.e. ordinary members, legal members and judicial members. This instrument sets out which member or members may hear parking cases and bus lane cases before the Scottish Tribunals.