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Your search for English language Scottish Statutory Instruments from 2021 numbered between 0 and 99 has returned 97 results.

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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Town and Country Planning (Pre-Application Consultation) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 20212021 No. 99Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Town and Country Planning (Cairnryan Border Control Posts) (EU Exit) (Scotland) Special Development Order 20212021 No. 98Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Social Security (Industrial Injuries Benefit and Personal Independence Payment) (Telephone and Video Assessment) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 20212021 No. 97Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The South West Scotland Trunk Roads (Temporary Prohibitions of Traffic and Overtaking and Temporary Speed Restrictions) (No. 2) Order 20212021 No. 96Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The South East Scotland Trunk Roads (Temporary Prohibitions of Traffic and Overtaking and Temporary Speed Restrictions) (No. 2) Order 20212021 No. 95Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The North West Scotland Trunk Roads (Temporary Prohibitions of Traffic and Overtaking and Temporary Speed Restrictions) (No. 2) Order 20212021 No. 94Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Coronavirus (Scotland) Acts (Early Expiry and Suspension of Provisions) Regulations 20212021 No. 93Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The North East Scotland Trunk Roads (Temporary Prohibitions of Traffic and Overtaking and Temporary Speed Restrictions) (No. 2) Order 20212021 No. 92Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Bee Diseases and Pests Control (Scotland) Amendment Order 20212021 No. 91Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The A9/A99 Trunk Roads (Latheron) (Temporary 40mph Speed Restriction) Order 20212021 No. 90Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Scottish Landfill Tax (Standard Rate and Lower Rate) Order 2021 (revoked)2021 No. 89Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Plant Health (Export Certification) (Scotland) Amendment Order 20212021 No. 88Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Plant Health and Plant Propagating Material (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 20212021 No. 87Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions and Requirements) (Local Levels) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 16) Regulations 20212021 No. 86Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016 (Register of Persons Holding a Controlled Interest in Land) Regulations 20212021 No. 85Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (Scotland) Regulations 20212021 No. 84Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Zoonoses Amendment (Coronavirus) (Scotland) Order 20212021 No. 83Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Milk and Healthy Snack Scheme (Scotland) Regulations 20212021 No. 82Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Health Protection (Coronavirus) (International Travel) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 6) Regulations 2021 (revoked)2021 No. 81Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Prisons and Young Offenders Institutions (Coronavirus) (Scotland) Amendment Rules 20212021 No. 80Scottish Statutory Instruments

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