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Your search for English language UK Impact Assessments has returned more than 200 results.

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Complete dataset 2008 - Present

Results grouped by 10 year periods

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.

Sort ascending by TitleSort descending by Years and NumbersLegislation type
Impact Assessment for the consultation on The Renewable Heat Incentive: Providing certainty, improving performance: Longer term budget management2012 No. 135UK Impact Assessments
Sustainability requirements for solid and gaseous biomass in the Renewable Heat Incentive2012 No. 134UK Impact Assessments
Introduction of air quality requirements into the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI)2012 No. 133UK Impact Assessments
Impact Assessment - domestic violence definition consultation2012 No. 130UK Impact Assessments
Impact Assessment - Drug Driving (Clause 27)2012 No. 126UK Impact Assessments
Potential impact (subject to consultation) of Legislative Changes to Firearms Controls2012 No. 113UK Impact Assessments
Equal Civil Marriage2012 No. 112UK Impact Assessments
Video Recordings Act exemptions2012 No. 111UK Impact Assessments
Impact Assessment on the proposed transfer of Public Lending Right functions from the existing body and its subsequent abolition2012 No. 110UK Impact Assessments
Impact Assessment: The proposed merger of the Gambling Commission and the National Lottery Commission2012 No. 109UK Impact Assessments
Export Licensing of Cultural Goods2012 No. 108UK Impact Assessments
IA Cinema Advertising, April 20122012 No. 107UK Impact Assessments
Consultation on changes to the listed building consent system and compulsory purchase order system2012 No. 106UK Impact Assessments
Small Pots and Automatic Transfers Impact Assessment2012 No. 104UK Impact Assessments
Impact Assessment2012 No. 103UK Impact Assessments
Rapid resolution service: impact assessment (IA)2012 No. 96UK Impact Assessments
Consultation on the proposed abolition of the CRC IA No: DEFRA14582012 No. 88UK Impact Assessments
UK implementation of the amended EU Prospectus Directive2012 No. 87UK Impact Assessments
EU Directive on Patients' Rights in Cross-border Healthcare2012 No. 42UK Impact Assessments
Ending the use of wild animals in travelling circuses2012 No. 41UK Impact Assessments

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