
SCHEDULEEdinburgh Merchant Company

Part VWidows' fund

D. Payments, etc., by contributors

Penalty for failure to pay half-yearly contributions

77If any contributor allows any of the half-yearly contributions payable by him to fall into arrear for three years after the same first became due, he or any widow left by him shall (without the necessity for any declarator) forfeit all right, interest and benefit in the widows' fund:

Provided that the contributors may at any general meeting of the contributors reinstate any such contributor or his widow subject (in the case of a contributor) to his paying up the arrears due by him together with all interest thereon at the rate of five per cent over the Bank of Scotland plc’s base rate from the time each payment falls due and any costs that may have been incurred in recovering the same or (in the case of a widow) to payment of the said arrears and other moneys due in accordance with the provisions of this Order.